The second girl rolled her eyes so far back I could feel annoyance radiating off of her. "You skxawngs, I swear." she snapped, "Tìfnu, rutxe?" You morons, I swear. Shut up, will you?

Her eyes darted over to me, narrowing once she saw me staring. I quickly averted my gaze and acted like I hadn't just been caught. I could tell she was now analyzing my every move. The moment her gaze washed onto me, all my fears melted. There was something about being in her proximity that was so heavenly, I was drawn to it...

"Bro. Your jaw has dropped. Get it together!" Neteyam hissed over at me, barely suppressing a grin.

I ignored him. "Hey." I tried to say as she came close. Suddenly, my voice went, like, ten octaves lower. Shit. That sounded so lame.

The first girl smiled at me, but I was disappointed since I hadn't been talking to her. The second girl just stared straight ahead, ignoring my comment completely. I caught a glimpse of Neteyam smirking and quickly diverted my gaze. Though I saw him steal a glance at the first girl.

To add to my embarrassment, Kiri rolled her eyes and whispered,

"Bold move, Lo'ak. Don't be so dumb next time. She's clearly out of your league."

With difficulty, I tore my gaze away, feeling heat flush over my face. I felt like smacking my sister. What if the girl overheard her??

Great, now she probably thinks I'm a total idiot. Which I am, but I don't need her to know that... I was just so good at flirting, wasn't I?


Did he just say "hey"? I asked myself incredulously. Oh, great mother.

Thankfully, my parents' skimwings came into view before he could say anything else. They soared over the sands and landed in the water dramatically.

"He's... cute." Tsireya teased as they did the normal "I see you" stuff with hand motions. I scoffed.

"He said 'hey'?? Besides. He was clearly talking to you, sister."

Tsireya was my older sister by a year, and Ao'nung, the idiotic boy who had made fun of the newcomers, was our older brother. He was probably the most egotistical person you could ever meet, but even I had to admit he played the "perfect big brother and son" role well. I knew he'd react like that to the Sullys arriving. Eywa told me they'd come days ago. But whenever our parents were around, he never put a fin out of line.

Same with Tsireya. Oh, the perfect, favorite child. The pretty one. The older one. So responsible, so talented. She's suffering from Favorite Child Syndrome. I was always just an add-on.

"You should hear about the number of boys in Ao'nung's hunting group crushing on you." she whispered to me. I shook my head. It was clear she was only saying that to make me feel better.

"They just like us because we're the chief's daughters. Besides, you're much prettier. And way more ancient."

Before she could shriek at me, Mom sauntered in. She walked with such haughty authority that I knew there was going to be a show. Uh-oh, I thought, smirking. This will be interesting.

Mom was very strict. Very.

"I see you, Ronal." Jake Sully told her respectfully. The rest of his family repeated the gesture. The way she watched them, however, let me know she didn't plan on being a generous host.

"Why have you come, Jake Sully?" asked Dad.

"I seek a sanctuary for my family."

"Sanctuary?" Mom repeated, spitting out the word like a disease. She stalked among them, observing their features.

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