Chapter 20

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Warning: This chapter has gore, please click off if you're sensitive to the topic

His head was pounding and his ears were ringing.

The room was moving; spinning.

Jungkook looked around. He was held captive in a room where the walls were made of concrete, a mattress with stains, no windows, a locked door, and a lamp.

Something stuck out like a spot of blood on fresh white snow.

There was a big mirror on one of the walls, but why?

The lamp was the only source of light in the dark room.

The locked door was worn out, stains of dried bloody hand prints stuck to it.

The mattress was ripped open, the stuffing pulled out and scattered across the floor.

The walls had scratch marks as if someone or something had tried to rip the walls apart to be free.

"I thought I was done with getting locked up in rooms after chapter 9." Jungkook mumbled.

A noise cut through the air, causing Jungkooks blood to run cold and his breathing almost stop.

A blood curdling scream.

Someone was being tortured.

But it wasn't just someone, it sounded eerily like someone Jungkook knew.

Yoongi hyung, that's who it sounded like.

Jungkook shivered.

The noise came from the mirror, maybe it wasn't a mirror. Perhaps it was a two way mirror?

Maybe, it could be.

"It isn't hyung, because my hyung is safe and sound at home worrying over my disappearance." Jungkook reassured himself.

The sound of the door unlocking was immediately heard by Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up to see Ms. Cha wearing yellow rubber gloves that were covered in blood and Lisa standing right next to her joined by Jin and Namjoon.

Jungkooks mouth went dry, how could they?

"Hello there Jungkook! How are you?" Ms. Cha beamed.

"Ms. Cha?" Jungkooks voice was almost a whisper.

"Hey Kookie." Lisa smiled faintly.

"Lisa?" Jungkook whimpered.

Jungkook couldn't believe it, Ms. Cha and Lisa were there.

Lisa who was like a big sister to him and Ms. Cha who treated him like a son were actually there, standing by Namjoon and Jin.

"As you can see, we're working with Namjoon and Jin. We've come to terms and have figured that this is the best option for the both of us." Ms. Cha spoke.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"You have to kill Taehyung, or try to. If you pull out a gun and point it at his head he'll have no choice but to fight back." Namjoon answered.

"I'm good, thank you for the offer, but I'm doing just peachy." Jungkook declined.

"Kookie, I don't think you have a choice." Lisa uttered, looking at Jungkook apologetically.

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