6: rush hour

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A mere two days after Felix had swayed Jeongin with ease, the time for his first mission finally arrived.

He had been sent for by Hyunjin, the man overjoyed with any excuse to see Felix. Though he thought it rather disdainful, it certainly wasn't unentertaining.

"Chan wants you in the meeting room." A sultry giggle escaped his lips as he stood in the doorway, shamelessly admiring the blonde as he lay with his arms folded out like a pillow beneath his head.

"Can Channie wait a few minutes? I'm having a good daydream."

"He said he wants you now," Felix had to hold back a smirk at the obvious jealousy the latter held over his sudden nickname for the leader, "But if we were to waste a little time, I'm sure I could tell him it took me ages to find you."

There he went again with his shameless flirting.

It had been obvious what the guy wanted, from the second Felix had read his mind after they'd had that silly little fall out of the building together.

How unfortunate, I will be the one to ruin him rather than the other way around. And while I certainly won't bother to remember such things as names, I'm sure his soul will remember mine for a very long time.

The traveller was certain the beauty didn't quite have the same ruin in mind as he.

Yet... he really wasn't in the mood for the obnoxious, spectacled man who spoke to him as condescendingly as one would talk to a small, dull child.

It was nothing toward his ego, rather it simply irritated the living daylights out of him and he quite preferred the daydream he was currently having about his victorious little symphony.

"Mm, and what sort of time-wasting were you thinking of?" Large, sparkling doe eyes met the hooded gaze of the beauty, and suddenly there were more important tasks at hand than reporting to Chan in great haste.

Two entanglements later, Felix was wiping at his bottom lip softly, deliberately teasing the one under him as they both knew it had been long enough, and that they would arouse suspicion if they didn't arrive at the meeting soon.

"Fuck, don't... don't make me want to skip this damned meeting more than I already do."

But the blonde feigned innocence, simply straightening his slightly crumpled shirt and climbing off of the man.

"Let's go then, shall we?" He smiled sweetly, the latter following in his lead almost immediately as if led there by some sort of string concocted from pure infatuation.

It was comforting knowing if things were ever to go awry, Hyunjin would permanently be wrapped around his finger, like a perfectly fitting glove.

"What do you need me for, Channie?" He questioned innocently, as he bounded happily into the room.

Hyunjin scowled slightly at the nickname again, but as Channie appeared to rather enjoy it much more than he wanted to let on, Felix decided it would be his name from now on.

"Your first mission is tonight. Are you prepared for what we're going to throw at you? You know that-"

God he's so cute, why did he call me Channie, why is he looking at me like-

The blonde held back his giggles at the thoughts that were ricocheting off of the walls of Chan's mind. What fun it was, invading him like this when the elder had no idea.

Truly thrilling.

"Yes?" He responded once he realized Chan had finished his unnecessarily long debrief, and was satisfied that his expression must have done him justice, for Chan was looking rather worried as if Felix were some incapable child.

A couple of hours later, he was standing alone in the street during peak hour traffic.

His mission?

"Create a five-car pile up during rush hour without being seen."

Good thing he'd suddenly "fainted" on Changbin a few days ago, after Seungmin had something to say.

While the others were undoubtedly trying to track his movements, he was without doubt that they would have lost him by now, considering he was invisible.

Standing at the very center point of a large array of crosswalks on a main road, he whirled about in a blur so fast that none of the people in their cars had the time to process what was happening, before they were a completely mangled mess.

A five-car pile up indeed.

The passengers who had survived the collision were trying desperately to escape the ground, jabbing at the emergency fly button on the dashboard, and finding with much dismay that their cars would not rise.

Although it were those wizards and witches who had created the majority of these technological creations, it appeared their minds went back to default settings when in a panic and that had now rendered them just as useless as if a non-supernatural of the year 1802 were trying to operate the cars.

The next thing they knew, they had run out of oxygen.

Or rather, they couldn't know - because they couldn't see the aura of evil coming at them.

Lee Felix was truly unstoppable.

"Where are you?"

Jeongin's worried voice sounded from his wrist and he rolled his eyes, before responding "I'm back at base? I thought you were all keeping watch on me?"

For indeed, after successfully causing the accident and suffocating any attempting escapees, he had teleported back to base without even batting an eye.

"...Oh. We'll... see you there then."

How amusing it was that his whereabouts couldn't even be located by the leader who quite literally specialised in location and tracking skills.

It was even more amusing to the blonde that just a few days ago, Fox-boy wouldn't talk to him at all unless he needed to, and yet here he was now practically begging to be by his side in an all too similar fashion to Hyunjin.

Power was so fun.

And well, now that he'd officially passed the test, there was nothing stopping him.


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