Chapter 30: A Typical Beach Episode?

Start from the beginning

Ah. Crap. I'm doing it again. I rubbed my eyes to clear them. Even though I promised myself to move on. But... Just a little bit.

I brought the swimsuit close to my chest for a little while.

If someone were to see me like this, they would definitely misunderstand.

Why is this here though? It's still in good condition.

I folded it and placed it back in the drawer. Where is mine? Oh, there it is. I think I'm going to have to buy a new one. This one seems a little decolored. It still fits though, so maybe I don't need a new one.

I put on a simple t-shirt and shorts and made my way to the beachfront. As expected, a lot of shipgirls are frolicking on the beach.

Looks like Shigure has started playing with her sisters.

"Yuudachi! The ball's flying to you!" (Shigure)

"Gimme, poi!" (Yuudachi)

"Watch it! She is gonna return it!" (Shiratsuyu)

Both Yuudachi and Shiratsuyu jumped into the air,

"Poi!" (Yuudachi)

"What the hell?! You jumped higher than me?!" (Shiratsuyu)

Yuudachi smacked the ball into the opposing court. Murasame wasn't able to catch it in time. One point for Yuu-Shigu.

"Eh? Admiral? You are here!" (Zuihou)

I turned around to see Zuihou. She was wearing a blue School Swimsuit. The same one I have in my drawer. Like her predecessor, she doesn't have her own swimsuit yet.


Shouhou is here as well. In similar swimsuits, the size difference between the two sisters is further emphasized.


"Good afternoon, Admiral." (Shouhou)

"Are you slacking off?" (Zuihou)

"Hey. A little fun under the sun can't hurt. Besides, I need some vitamin D."

She just gave me a suspicious stare.

"Ah! Admiral-san!" (Yuudachi)

I stumbled forward as someone tackled me from behind,

"Yuudachi, that was dangerous."

"Ehehe~" (Yuudachi)

"Admiral, let's play volleyball!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Hoh. Wanna challenge me?"

"I can take you on." (Shiratsuyu)

"I have the height advantage."

"Shouhou is on my team!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Eh? No no. Don't mind me." (Shouhou)

"Then, to make it fair, Shigure is on my team?"

"If you're okay with me." (Shigure)

"First to ten?"

I will hit it before you. Since I'm the first after all." (Shiratsuyu)

The four of us got into position. A game of Rock-Paper-Scissors determine I get the first serve.


I tossed the ball up into the air and smacked it to the other side of the court.

"Such a simple serve~ Shouhou!" (Shiratsuyu)

"Y-yeah." (Shouhou)

Shiratsuyu tap and passed the ball to Shouhou, who returned the pass for Shiratsuyu to serve.

"Finishing move. First Sla-" (Shiratsuyu)

"Hey! Cut it out! Now!" (Yamashiro)

"Eh? Ow!" (Shiratsuyu)

That sudden loud shout startled Shiratsuyu and the ball landed on her face.

What was that?

"Geez. What?" (Shiratsuyu)

The Destroyer rubbed her nose while her third sister snickered.

"Don't wanna! I want to stay with Yamashiro and Fusou!" (???)

"You are an enemy! Get away from me!" (Yamashiro)

"Don't wanna!" (???)

There is some commotion over there. Some girls have gathered around and I can hear Yamashiro shouting. The seven of us walked over to the small crowd,

"What's up?"

"Ah. Admiral! We got trouble! Look!" (Fubuki)

Wearing a white bikini with red frills and a yellow floral cover-up skirt, a frustrated Yamashiro is trying to shake off a girl that is clinging onto her. Even Fusou is troubled.

The girl has a black tail and a pair of ears etched on top of her head. she looks familiar...

Hang on... Isn't she...?

"Argh!! Let go of me already! I nearly killed you before. You should be afraid of me, not cling onto me like some monkey." (Yamashiro)

"Shigure...san? Yamashiro is troubled. Can you let go of her for a bit?" (Fusou)

"No! Fusou too!" (???)

The girl grabbed Fusou's arm and refused to let go.

Isn't that Shigure? The one from Sakura Empire?

What is she doing here?

"Admiral! Stop staring and help us now!" (Yamashiro)

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