Second Arc

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Gavin felt so helpless facing the one he loves the most. Nevertheless, he continued his story.
"Years passed and we left our elementary, moving to high school where our friendship tightens, you're my bestfriend. You are growing into a fine pretty lady, too fine actually. And in our junior year I found out something I never thought I would treasure so much. It was during our JS Promenade, the night I saw you walking like a princess, I know I have fallen inlove with you. But I value our friendship, I didn't dare confess my feelings. You don't know how much it hurts me seeing you with others guys.

Then we graduated. I regretted not telling you how much I love you. But I got another chance in college, but not the courage. It was during our last year in college that my final straw went off when I saw you dating that guy who look like a slug. Jealousy blinded me. I confronted you both and punch that slug. And in front of so many people, I confess my feelings for you, told you how much I love you. After then I was so afraid that you would break our friendship.

But no, you smiled, a bright beautiful smile. And you said you love me too."

Then a sudden gust of wind passed. The tulips and irises danced.

"Everything seems so perfect after then. Not until you walked out in our date looking so pale. I didn't saw you for another week. When you came back, I asked what was wrong but you said nothing, so I dropped the topic. Then, our 3rd anniversary came, the biggest day of our lives. I called all our families and friends for a party. I proposed to you, and you said yes, you're marrying me. It felt like I was the happiest man on earth that day, or so I thought. When I look at you parents I saw a sad expression on their faces and something else I can't decipher. But I paid no attention, I was just so happy. I went looking for you and I saw you with your friends. You smiled brightly at me. I didn't know that would be your last smile."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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