"Oh, you will have more time to do your work if you stay in this space." Long Hui nodded.

"How this space ended into your hand?" Long Hui threw a question.

"I actually don't know about it. It suddenly has appeared. Bo Ya said this space has selected me as its owner. For what reason, I don't know." Yu Qi also did not know the reason.

She did ask Bo Ya about that. Even he did not know the reason. It was that space itself chose her as its owner.

"Master, look. I have made this." Aoi brought the origami that had a 'love' shape.

"Oh, it is nice." Yu Qi praised him.

"It is for you," Aoi asked Yu Qi to take it.

Long Hui stared at Aoi. Sensing the man was staring at him, Aoi quickly escaped from there.

"Tell me, why does that dog can talk?" Long Hui was curious about that too.

"Aoi is not a normal dog. It is a beast. A beast can think and understand human's language. He was found here in the space. I like dogs so I have kept him as a pet. Suddenly he has bitten my hand and entered the blood contract with me." Yu Qi was kind of happy when she reminisced the memories of her first meeting with Aoi.

"Blood contract?" Long Hui did not like those words.

"It is a contract, well, how can I explain to you... Hmm... I'm his master. If I die, he will die too. Basically, he is my bodyguard." Yu Qi nodded to her explanation too.

She could not describe this blood contract correctly. Well, it was because she just thought that Aoi was her cute little pet even though he was growing up right now.

Long Hui nodded, understanding his beloved Qi Qi's explanation. "Then, how about that boy?"Long Hui pointed to Bo Ya who was currently playing with Aoi.

Yu Qi looked at Bo Ya. "What I know about Bo Ya, he is the guardian of this space. It exists along with this space. He knows everything about this space. He is the one who has told me everything about this space. And this space has the previous owners. For some reason, Bo Ya told me that he only remembers a little bit of his previous owners. Like something has sealed his memories." Yu Qi told Long Hui about Bo Ya.

Long Hui was shocked hearing about Bo Ya. Turned out the person whom he had considered a brat was actually much older than him.

"Well, he is my cute guardian." Yu Qi smiled.

Her two little cuties really completed her life. If the two of them were not here with her, she did not think that she would be someone like right now. Bo Ya and Aoi really helped her a lot.

C492 - 492: Of Course, My Girl Would Be Excellent.

The two of them decided to get out of the space. Yu Qi wanted Long Hui to rest more but Long Hui insisted to go out. He told Yu Qi that it was not good for them to be missing for a long time.

With that decision, Yu Qi came out with an explanation to be explained to others. They were indeed missing for a long time.

They went out. Since they had entered the space while at the forest, they would be in the forest too after they got out of the space.

"We need to walk through this forest." Yu Qi said.

"It's okay." Long Hui assured his beloved Qi Qi. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi was worried about him.

So, they walked at a slow pace. Yu Qi insisted. She did not want to put a burden on Long Hui's body. He just recovered.

"Hui, is that you?" It was Ren Qian Yi's voice.

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