Election Day

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The tension in Republic City was palpable as the election for the new president approached. The two candidates were polar opposites, each with their own supporters and agendas.

Korra had always tried to stay out of politics, focusing on her role as the Avatar and leaving the governance of the city to others. But she couldn't ignore the fact that the future of the city was at stake.

She knew that she had to do something to try and bring the two sides together and prevent the city from tearing itself apart. But what could she do?

As the election day drew closer, Korra found herself torn between the two candidates and the conflicting ideals they represented. She didn't know who to support or how to bring about the change that the city needed.

In the end, it was a chance encounter with an old friend that helped her to see the path forward. Toph, the earthbending master and former chief of police, had always been a voice of wisdom and reason for Korra.

"You can't let the politicians divide you," Toph told her. "You have to be the one to bring everyone together, to show them that it's possible to find common ground."

Korra took Toph's words to heart, and on election day she stood up in front of the crowd and gave a speech that inspired the people of Republic City. She talked about the need for unity and cooperation, and how only by working together could they hope to build a better future.

Her words resonated with the people, and in the end, the two candidates agreed to work together and form a coalition government. The city was finally on the path to healing and harmony, and it was all thanks to the efforts of the Avatar.

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