Finney POV

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I have to go to work today but Robin said he'd come and visit to talk to me so I don't get bored by myself, he's so sweet.

-At Finney's work-

I was cleaning the counters when I heard the door open, it was Robin. I ran over to him and hugged him, he hugged me back tight, not too tight, but it was a tight hug. A hug that reminded me that he loves me. "I have to get back to work but I'll get you a coffee and I'll come talk to you when I can." I say "Okay! I'll go sit over there!" Robin said and pointed to a seat in the corner by a window. I went back to work and a few customers came in, while I was serving one of them I saw Donna walk in. I liked her a couple years ago and she knew, but I love Robin. And that will never change. Donna sat down at a booth in the corner on the opposite side of the room to where Robin was. I went behind the counter and asked one of my coworkers to take over for me for a few minutes so I took over the register and he served the customers, along with Donna. When he was done he came back and told me, I made a coffee for Robin and brought it to him, I gave it to him and sat down across from him. "Donna's here." I say "What?" Robin looks at me confused "She walked in probably wanting to talk to me." I said "What did you do?" Robin asked "I asked someone to take over for me and took over the cash register, when he was done with the customers I walked over here." I say. "I don't care if you talk to her Finn, you love me and I know that. I have nothing to worry about." Robin said "Huh?" I ask "I don't mind if you talk to Donna." He said and I got up and kissed his cheek, he smiled at me and told me to talk to her. I went over to her and sat down, "Hi Finney!!" She said "Hi." I say back "I kinda wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out with me..?" She asked and smiled at me softly. "I'm dating Robin. So no." I say firmly. She looked shocked, and she started to tear up. "Look if you're crying to make me feel bad it's not going to fucking work." I tell her "Wow." Donna said "You're a dick." she told me and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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