Epilogue part 2

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Cw: none really, just a bit of overprotectiveness

The young child just finished up the medicine that was served to them, the old man took them and the unconscious guy from earlier to a mansion to get their injuries healed.

They weren't used to being treated like a decent human being, it felt good, great even!

Of course their body was still recovering so they had to stay there until they were fully healed.

They perked up when they heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" They said in a soft tone while putting the empty cup on the night stand.

The old man from earlier slid the door open and entered, he stared at the young child for a while but then walked over to their bed.

"Um, do you need something sir?" They asked quietly. they didn't think he should be here, because they already told him the details of what happened earlier.

He glanced at the injured child, before a shaky hand reached out and patted them on the head, "I see potential in you, kiddo."

The child froze, a bubbly feeling growing inside of them.

They coughed into their hand before asking, "What do you mean sir?"

His voice was calming, "What I mean is that I think you'd become a great slayer"

Their eyes widened, the old man explained to them earlier about demons and the demon slayer corps. But they didn't know if they could ever join.

"Really? Are you sure?!" They questioned again as the old man nodded.

It was silent for a long time, until the child finally broke the silence "So Um, when do I start?"

The child flinched as the old man erupted into a fit of laughter, they were extremely confused, what was so funny?

"You're gonna need a lot of training before you start kiddo!" He exclaimed through laughter while ruffling the confused kid's head

The same bubbly feeling returned and they melted into the touch.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all?

"By the way, kid. The name's Shoujiki" He said while patting their head.

They paused for a second, "Mine is [Name]...."


This was just as bad as they thought.

They were forced to swim in freezing cold water, swing a sword like 500 times, and run down booby trapped mountains!

[Name] thought this guy was insane, but according to him it's normal.

Yeah...normal. slaying demons isn't exactly an every day thing for normal people

But they weren't normal anymore, they were a slayer now. That means they have to push through.

But on the bright side, [Name] made their first ever friend(and possibly brother figure)

It was the unconscious guy from before. He had a deep scar on his left eye which was covered by bandages, and black medium lengthed messy hair that was tied in a ponytail.

He also wore glasses so it was probably hard wearing them with all those bandages on.

He was an awesome guy! Although he was a bit on the weaker side. But strength didn't matter that much, besides he had the brains to make up for it.

[Name] told him about what their parents did to them a week after they became friends, which made them grow closer together. [Name] was like the younger sibling, while Ushinatta was the older brother

He didn't know exactly what it was like to be abandoned, but he knew what it was like to be betrayed by people you once loved.

He was also adopted and trained by Shoujiki when he was brought into the demon slayer corps

Shoujiki, [Name], and Ushinatta were basically a family at that point.

After years of training and living with their adopted family, [Name] even came up with their own breathing style.

Now was the day of final selection, they were extremely nervous and were pacing back and forth, muttering discouraging words.

"[Name] don't worry, you're going to do great" Ushinatta tried reassuring them, it reminded him of his first time during final selection and he panicked so much that Shoujiki had to slap him to gain his senses back

He chuckled at the memory and pulled [Name] into a big hug, they hugged him back and enjoyed the warmth.

While [Name] was distracted, his smile became an emotionless expression and he slid a handful of wisteria into their pocket without them noticing.

After a while, he finally pulled away. "Don't worry [Name], I know you'll do great"

They smiled warmly at the boy and ran out the door while waving goodbye.

Shoujiki entered the room and stood behind him, "Why'd you do that?" He questioned while eyeing the black-haired boy suspiciously.

"I know they can protect themself, I'm just making sure they are really safe. That is all" He replied while tilting his glasses up.

Shoujiki grunted in annoyance and smacked the back of his adopted child's head, "You are too overprotective, let them do something for once" He scolded while exiting the room.

This wasn't the first time Ushinatta pulled this kind of stunt, and it definitely wasn't going to be the last.

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