"shits got to be heavy" karube said in response to you

"people are pairing up, there could be more then one shooter" arisu said

"i had no idea so many players were still alive" kuina said

a car exploded and we started to run again

arisu tripped but managed to get up again as we ran into the street

"we have to split up!" chishiya yelled

you ran in a random direction, not realizing no one else was following you

a gun shot right in front of you making you yelp, almost falling from the suddeness of it, you didn't want to end up like everybody else dead on the street before you had the chance to meet any of the new characters

someone got shot just right in front of you, and their blood got on you, you would've gagged if you weren't trying to pay attention to running for your life

you ran up a pair of stairs, trying not to look as people behind you and in front got shot and killed, the smell of their blood ringing in the air

"y/n! arisu!" arisu was coming from a different direction and usagi saw you both "get over here!" the three of you ran together

the king of spades was one step ahead, already firing his gun where the three of you were running

"can this asshole stop for two seconds?!" you shouted as you picked up pace, but arisu stopped as he watched someone get shot

the guy was wearing clothes similar to arisu's old attire, reminding him of himself when he was playing video games

we hid behind cars, arisu on his own while i was with usagi

arisu leaned over the car to see kuina behind one

"are you trying to get yourself killed?!" she shouted and a gunshot rang in front of her causing her to yelp and stumble back, where she was hiding with chishiya and karube

"where are they even shooting from?!"

the three of them looked up at the sky, seeing the king of spades blimp

"it must be the king of spades"

usagi and you looked up as it grew closer to where you all were hiding

"everywhere is his game arena" you said

usagi hummed "most likely, he can do whatever he wants"

the blimp moved and usagi shouted out to arisu "heres our chance"!

we stood up at the same time to make a run for it but arisu saw the man just barely breathing and ran to him

you stood in the road unsure of what to do before following the two over to him

they stopped when they looked ahead at the road, seeing a man in full black and a mask covering his whole head

"the king of spades is here"

"we have to go, now!" you said

arisu and usagi picked up the man that would be dead in two minutes as you ran ahead of them

you hid behind a car as they placed him down, seeing his lifeless eyes as arisu shook him

"are you alright?!" he asked the corpse

he laid his head down, realizing he was too late

"you guys okay?' kuina asked, being to the side of us at a red car

guns bursted around us, arisu turned around to observe

"the king of spades...is just one guy"

we got shot at

"we're pinned down here!"

"if we step out he'll get us!"

before anyone could reply they heard a horn honking loudly, in a green car was ann and tatta, and somehow chota and shibuki in the back

tatta leaned out of the window and yelled at us to get in

"don't just stand there!" ann shouted

"ann!" kuina yelled, happy seeing her friend for the first in awhile

arisu kuina usagi and karube managed to get in, with some sitting on each other's laps as there wasn't enough space

chishiya and you were left behind as a explosive was thrown right at the car

"thats no good" chishiya grabbed your arm and ran just as the explosive went off

the car drove off as you jumped behind another

and now you're with chishiya

you got slammed down on the road and your elbow was bleeding

"well that was rude" you whispered as you sat up, exhaling as you grabbed your arm and wiped the blood that dripped off

A/N: next chapter is the jack of hearts! my favorite game

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