Callie: People want to believe their leaders are telling the truth, which is why we need to get back there and continue exposing their lies. How many fingers?

Lucy: Four.

Callie: Perfect. Get cleaned up. Let's go. Just a sec! Come in.

Callie's mom enters Callie's bedroom.

Grace: Your father's on the holo. Time to face the music, kiddo.

Callie: With who-- Dad? You don't even talk to Dad.

Grace: We talk about you and your... brother. Nice work.

Callie: Thanks. I'm not gonna change my mind about school.

Grace: Take the call.

Callie: No. He hasn't called in weeks. Besides, I wouldn't listen to you. What makes you think I'll listen to him?

Grace: Same reason you're not taking the call. Habitual fear response.

Callie: Mom, I love you, but save it for your patients. Gear up. Tree Crew needs us.


Grace: Play nice.

Reese: Hey, Calamity. Dad, I got her.

Callie: Hey, Grease. Good sparring session?

Reese: Why? You miss me kicking your butt in the basement? Heard you're dropping out. Quitting's kind of your thing now, huh?

Callie: Refusing to take part in fascistic regimes is my thing.

Reese: Oh, come on. MIT is not fascist, and neither is the Second Dawn.

Bill: What's wrong with Fascism? Explain.

Callie: Ok. I'm 18. I know it's frustrating for you, but I get to make my own choices now, even if they're bad.

Bill: Calling dropping out of MIT to join a protest movement dedicated to solving an unsolvable problem a bad choice is an insult to bad choices.

Callie: Coming from the vulture capitalist who traded his precious credibility to become a prophet of doom, I'll take that as a compliment.

Bill: It wasn't. I raised you to think for yourself, not join the latest cultural mood swing.

Callie: You raised me to think like you. I'm sorry you can't handle that I don't.

Bill: I didn't call to fight.

Callie: No. You called because Mom made you feel guilty for being a lousy father, so you figured you'd play concerned parent for a few minutes.

Guard: We have a situation.

Bill: What is it?

Callie: Dad, is everything--

Bill: Get your mother.

Grace: I'm right here. What's wrong?

Callie: I don't know.

Grace: Hello, Bill.

Bill: Anaconda.

Grace: Bill, if this isn't real--

Bill: It is. You have twenty minutes. I've already sent the chopper. It'll be there in five. I pray that you're both on it.

Bill hangs up.

Callie: Anaconda?

Grace: Come with me.

Callie: What? No. I'm not going anywhere until--

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