Echo: Five years.

Hope: Thinking about it makes it worse.

Gabriel: She's right. Give us a hand.

Echo: Playing in the dirt won't make time pass faster.

Gabriel: Maybe not, but it will give our friend out there something to long for, seeing the three of us working together as a team. Trust me. He'll want that.

Echo: We should hunt him down.

Hope: Is that how you make friends in the ice nation?

Echo: Just Ice Nation. There's no 'the'.

Gabriel: There's clearly no gardening either. That one's still alive. Raspberries?

Hope: Paint berries.  Eat them, and they make you sick.

Gabriel: Is that what you used on this? Is H for Hope?

Hope: No. Hesperides.


Hope: Hess-pe-rides. 

Octavia: Hess-pair-ih-dees. Three maidens.

Hope: Like us.

Octavia: Yep. You're right. Exactly like us. Three maidens... guarding a garden.

Hope: You said that they were guarding a golden apple, the one Herc-a-lees stole, but we don't have any apples.

Octavia: Duh. That's why I planted those.

Hope: But those aren't apple blossoms, Aunty O.

Octavia: I know that, smarty pants, but they're beautiful just like you. What should we call them?


Echo: The Hercules roses are opening.

Hope: It's Herc-a-lees. Don't pick them.

Echo: Here you go. Some powdered jelly fish. Trust me. It's better than Monty's algae. Sorry. Yes, Gabriel, I'm talking to the plants. Makes them taste bet-

Orlando: I found these. Uh, pumpkin seeds. Hope likes pumpkin.

Echo: Um... go for it.

Orlando: Is she here?

Echo: She is. Plant the seeds. I'll go get her. Right there's fine.

Gabriel: Hey, hey. No. It's okay, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. No. Wait.

Hope: Three months playing happy family to lure him in, and you blew it.

Echo: Screw that. Look at the tomatoes.

Gabriel: He'll be back. He's on the hook now. We just need to reel him in.

Hope: Let's eat lunch outside again so he can see us. Bait on the hook.

Echo: I got a better idea. We bait the hook... with you.


Orlando: Okay. Pay attention. Okay. Really? Are you sure? Okay, but not too smart. See? I warned you.

Hope: Help! Somebody, help!

Orlando: Hope! Hold on! I'm coming!

Hope: Help me!

Echo: Hope, are you okay?

Hope: I am now, thanks to you.

Gabriel: What the hell were you doing?

Hope: I was trying to get to Bardo to save my family.

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