Adjustment Protocol

Start from the beginning

Abby:Like Marcus said..."We turn the page. We do better today than we did yesterday."

The door opened and the two girls walked in and stopped.


Elena looked at Raven.

Raven:you going kill us to you already killed my best friend and I should kill you for that, for taking away my hands, but I didn't because I still believe she's alive.

The two girls walked to there mom and Clarke then pulled her in and hugged her.


They pulled out and Abby walked slowly to Elena and touched her cheek which Elena let out a tear and Abby pulled both of them into a hug.

Abby:What happened? I thought I... how?

Elena:It's a long story But I'm ok we're ok.

Elena looked over at sky.

Raven:It's the Flame.


Raven:I'm working the problem,but I need Becca's book.

Elena:Ok That can wait. We don't have much time I need you to come with me We have to lower the shield Bellamy and Octavia are waiting with the Children of Gabriel.

Raven:Elena, I can't go with you If she wakes up again,Sheidheda will kill her.

Elena:Ok. I'll use Ryker The reactor's beneath the machine shop anyway.

Raven:No. Ryker turned Echo in. He won't help you.

Clarke:No,but Josephine can be very persuasive Until then, promise me you won't take any more bone marrow.

Jackson:That's not a problem now There's another Nightblood in the family.


Abby:Shh I won't let them take her and I already saved Madi and Skyler so let my save my granddaughters.

Elena nodded.

Jackson:Like mother, like daughter.

Clarke:we love you.

Abby:I love you, too,girls Now go save us all...

Elena and Raven nodded at each other.

Ryker's shop.

Clarke:Ryker?If you can't help me, maybe your mom will

Russell:Open it up.

Guard:Yes, sir.

Russell:There you are Jade said you'd fallen asleep.

Clarke:we would never miss mom's resurrection.

Russell:Unfortunately, Echo had other plans There are 3 escaped killers in this compound now Your orders are to shoot to kill Is that clear?

Guard:Yes, Holiness.

Elena:They took his drive We have to get it back before tonight so we can bring Ryker back with the others.

Russell:I'll handle it.

Elena:You've got enough on your plate Get the body out of here, and clean up this mess I'll get Priya to help me Lord knows she'll be motivated to save her son.

Russell:Good. Bring the drive to the lab when you get it I'll start the other resurrections You will take guards.

Russell's lab.

Raven:Damn it!Flame booted me again. It's weird It's almost like the AI is protecting Sheidheda Someone's coming.

Russell:That's enough.

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