Murphy: Was there a probably?

Shaw: We have to assume they couldn't know for sure until they got here. We can scan the atmosphere from the bridge.

Jordan: Actually, we can't. None of the equipment we used to monitor Earth is working. I'm guessing it's interference from the ionosphere.

Bellamy: Bottom line is, we won't know if it's survivable until we get down there.

Clarke: Sounds familiar.

Raven: What about radio signals? Anything from the ground that says the mission team survived?

Bellamy: No radio signals.

Jordan: Likely also the ionosphere. There is an ultra-high-frequency ping on radar, faint but--

Shaw: A rescue beacon. We used them on Eligius IV to--

Emori: Great. If there's a beacon, that means someone's down there, right?

Shaw: Not necessarily. They're solar, so--

Raven: They can last forever. How long ago did Eligius III get here?

Jordan: Hard to tell since they never radioed back, but best estimate--200 years, give or take.

Murphy: That's a long time to wait for a rescue.

Echo: I trust Monty.

Bellamy: Great. Then it's settled. We land at a distance, give us time to acclimate. We'll wait for them to come to us.

Clarke: Let's talk about guns. If we have them, we'll use them.

Bellamy: We're taking guns. We're also taking nonlethals. Now, EligiusIV had gas grenades and shock batons to control the criminals. We won't shoot first this time.

Raven: In that case, Clarke should stay here.

Elena had enough of everyone blaming clarke.


Everyone was shocked she yelled.

Elena:stop it, I told her to leave and I told her to protect my daughters no matter what,so if you want someone to blame,then blame me.

It was quite for a while until Bellamy spoke up.

Bellamy: Raven, you're the one that's staying here.

Raven: What? Like hell I am.

Bellamy: Look. We can't take both our pilots, and since we'll be flying blind until we're below the ionosphere, it has to be Shaw. That's not all. Jordan, you're staying, too.

Jordan: Me? Why?

Elena: I know it's hard, but your parents asked us to keep you safe. We have no idea what's waiting for us down there.

Echo:Which is why we should take our best fighters.

Bellamy:My sister is the last person I trust not to shoot first, so she stays on ice with everyone else until we know what we're dealing with.

Echo: And if it's too late by then?

Bellamy: Fine. I'll wake up Miller. Good. Say your good-byes. Head to the transport ship.

Murphy: Well, I call shotgun.

Abby: You keep each other safe.

Jackson: Always.

Miller: Hey.

Bellamy: Hey.

Miller: Thanks for taking me. That must have been hard for you.

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