Abby:You're right My system's too compromised.

Scott:Then how do we do this?

Abby:A detox takes too long.

Clarke:You have to be operating in 24 hours.

Abby:First, you get rid of the pills Then I want you to get my bag It's under the bed There's a opiate blocker in the bag I used to give them in the bunker Travitirol That'll put me into rapid detox If my heart stops,there's adrenaline in there, too.


Abby:It didn't happen the last time.

Clarke:Last time?How long has this been going on?

Abby:Too long Administer with the IV. 20 ccs to start You need to tie me down first.


Abby:Because I don't want to hurt you.

Clarke:What happened to you, Mom?


Abby:You said we had 5 years.

Kane:We've only been down here for two.

Abby:I've done everything I could think of,short of eradicating the infected plants For now, the fungus is contained to the soybean crop,but it won't be for long I've salvaged a few of the healthy plants to use for seeds...

Kane:How long? One year Less with some luck.

Abby:One year Without a protein source We all know what the answer is.


Abby:If we don't get at least 10%of our calories from protein,over that amount of time,we'll starve to death. I'm sorry, Marcus, but that's a fact.

Kane:There is only one potential source The fighting pits.

Abby:Will it be enough?To last a year?

Kane:It should be once the crime rate starts to rise And it will.

Abby:Are we seriously talking about this?

Kane:What else are we supposed to do?

Abby:Kane Give us another solution.

Kane:There is no other solution.


Miller:Bellamy and Elena want to talk I don't know what it's about, but we disarmed them.

Elena:You're marching us into a massacre.

Octavia:We'll see.

Bellamy:Echo radioed Your enemy knows you're coming We don't need to worry about the missiles, but they're moving their weapons into position It's safe to assume that since there's only 3 realistic ways into the valley,that all 3 will be heavily defended.

Elena:Echo's scouting now, looking for the best way in But since we can't go back because you burned the farm, and since we can't stop because we'll starve, we thought we should let you know that you've killed your people.


Elena:Enjoy your walk.

Drop the other boards right there.

What? What is it?

Pillbox. Gunner position.

They're building them on both sides of the ravine.

You don't have to be a spy to know this isn't the best way in.

It's too high up, it's too freaking cold,
and they'll see them coming for miles.

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