Everyone looked shocked that someone was talking the queen like that.

Kara: Blodreina is right. Besides, we can only carry rations for 7 days. The sea route will take 6. The next shortest path adds 50 miles. That's two days if we're lucky.

Indra: How do we know there won't be sandstorms on the longer routes?

Octavia:Enough. We're doing this. The hydrofarm is barely feeding us now, so if this is the last living valley on Earth, then it should be ours.

Bellamy:Diyoza thinks the same thing.

Octavia: And so we fight.

Octavia walks out.

Indra:Your sister needs you, Bellamy. I'm glad you're here for her. There are packs with the rations here by the door. First batallion! Mount up!

Bellamy: Am I crazy or were they gonna kill me for getting in her way?

Elena:What are we gonna do?

Bellamy: Raven and Murphy are in trouble. I have to go with them. Six-day hike through sandstorm country, gladiator cults. What could go wrong?

Clarke: After you.


Shaw: They're going on foot. Are they crazy? It's 150 miles across that desert.

Diyoza: No, Lietenant, they're not crazy. They're fanatical. And fanatics make good soldiers.

McCreary: I saw we let them come.

Diyoza: Is that what you would do? Wait to fight them here? Wage war on the one place left on the planet that can sustain life? We've already got four hostiles in these woods. Five if you count the child that Clarke was so desperate to protect. You really want to let another 50 in? Motivated, disciplined soldiers.

McCreary: I suppose you have a better idea?

Diyoza: Yes. Get my missle system back on line. If this Raven that you're so impressed by won't tell you how she locked us out, use McCreary. At leat he's good for something.

McCreary: You didn't think that was all I was good for back on the rock.

Diyoza: Don't flatter yourself. That was torture, too. Shaw, get me those damn missles.

Diyoza: You're not safe. There's an army on the march towards us right now. An army who's willing to fight to the death for this miraculous place that you've been in for two hours and are already descecrating. I said I'd get you home, and I did. It many not be the home that we expected, but we're here. And we're free. You have one day to get used to your new reality. We start your training in the morning. For God's sake, play something with a beat. Vinson...come with me.

Kane: Wonkru has no idea she has missles. Octavia's gonna get them all killed. Abby...did you hear a word I said?

Abby:Elena drew this. This is where she lived.

Kane: Who are they?

Abby:I don't know.

Kane: three beds. Looks like she wasn't alone.

Abby: This was my daughter's house?

Diyoza: Yes. Now it can be yours as long as you're loyal and useful.


Diyoza:We've needed a doctor ever since our ship's physician was killed. Vinson here is your first patient.

Vinson: It's a privilege to meet you both.

Kane: If he's with you, why the collar?

Diyoza: Some of us still have trouble controlling our more...primal urges.

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