Elena: Raven, Murphy, It's really good to hear your voices.


Raven:Elena? I don't believe it.

Murphy: Jeez, and they call me the cockroach.


Elena smiled.

Elena: Hey, you guys just be careful up there, okay? We'll talk more once this is all over. I want to hear everything.

Raven: Okay, but first, thank you for saving our lives.


Elena: I miss you both.

Bellamy: We got to go. Raven, stay safe. We'll talk soon.


Raven: Yeah, every hour on the hour.


McCreary: Tell me what you're doing because it sure as hell feels like we're negotiating with terrorists.

Shaw: Shoe's on the other foot?

Diyoza: I want to be airborne in 90 seconds.

Shaw: T-minus 90 seconds and counting.

McCreary: I hate to admit it, but the girl scout is not wrong. You, of all people, should know better. I say we take them out and fly back to Eligius and gather our people.

Diyoza: How long would it take this Raven to kill everyone in cryo?

Shaw: Assuming she's removing the failsafes, three minutes.

Diyoza: Everyone strap in. Do you trust me, or not?

McCreary: I don't trust anyone.

Diyoza: There's a doctor in that bunker--Elena's mother, it turns out. We grab the doctor, kill the hostage taker and his girlfriend, we go home and find a cure. Will you trust me now? Ready for liftoff.


Octavia: You could have walked away with your freedom yesterday. You had the crowd on your side, but you lost them when you showed weakness. I know you didn't steal the medicine, Kane. Admit it. Tell me who took it, and I'll let you go. Only the guilty should fight in the arena.

Kane: We're all guilty.

Octavia: I'm not here for a philosophy lesson, Kane. I'm here to give you a second chance.

Kane: And I'm offering you the same. You kept us together, Octavia. It's true. Wonkru's strong. We could have torn ourselves apart during the dark year.

Octavia: One more word about the dark year, and I will put you in the arena, even if you tell the truth. You know the law.

Kane: I won't fight.

Octavia: Then you die.

Kane: You lost your way. We all have. I've been quiet too long. You think the arena delivers justice?

Octavia: I know it does.

Kane: Your mother -- your mother was floated for having a second child, for having you. I was party to that and so much more. We have a chance to do something better here. We're throwing it away. Octavia, please. Strength without mercy is nothing. It's nothing, but you can end it. You can save us. It's not too late.

Octavia: Tell me who stole the medicine, Kane. So be it.

Kane: Don't try to talk me out of it.

Indra: I won't.

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