Octavia set Elena down on the ground.


Bellamy couldn't believe what he's seeing.

Sinclair: What the hell happened to her?

Octavia: what do you think?

Everyone looked at Elena.

Octavia: she got shot by pike.

Bellamy dropped down next Elena.

Bellamy: she's still alive?

Clarke checked her plus and felt a heartbeat.

Clarke: omg she is.

Clarke smiled and checked her bandage.

Bellamy smiled and held her hand.

Jasper:I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are. Jaha's been chipping everyone.

Clarke: Jasper's right. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Jasper: i don't need your help, alright!

Bellamy: Just take it easy and explain.

Jasper: Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, ALIE. Only, she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get it out of her head. I was trying to help her but-

Sinclair: Ok, so let's help her now. Did she say how?

Jasper: She was working on building something. She needed one of our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed all of them.

Clarke: Wait a second. Does it look like this?

[Clarke takes out the flame.]

Jasper: Not exactly.

[Raven opens her eyes.]

ALIE: There is it. Version two of my program. Find out where you are. Now!

[She runs out of the cave.]

Clarke: Don't let her get away!

Raven: Hey. It's just woods. I can't see anything!

ALIE:I need to know your location. Find a landmark.

Raven: Stop!

[Jasper and Bellamy restrain her.]

Raven: Stop!

Jasper: If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE. She'll come for her.

[Jasper sedates Raven.]

Jasper: Reaper stick, last dose.

Clarke: We have to go.

Bellamy: Why? ALIE doesn't know where we are.

Clarke: Because I know where we can get a wristband.

bellamy went to Elena and picked her up.

[The rover pulls up in front of Niylah's trading post. Niylah takes a sword.]

Clarke: I'll talk to her.

Bellamy: I'll come with you.

[Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia exit the rover.]

Octavia: I thought you said she was a friend.

Clarke: We'll handle it. Just stay here.

Niylah: Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda.

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