Bitter Harvest

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Abby:Apparently. Let Sinclair know that I said it was ok for you to go back to work, But you're benched again if I find anything abnormal in those tests.

Raven:You won't. Thanks, Doc.

Raven leaves the med bay.

ARKADIA hallway.

Miller, Elena and Kane heading down a hallway together.

Kane:You step aside in case someone answers.

Miller:we told you,no one's home.

They arrive at a door.

Miller steps to the side and Kane knocks.

Miller chuckles.


Miller:Bet you didn't think we'd be breaking the law together when you arrested me on the Ark, huh?

Kane grabs him by the front of his shirt.

Kane:This isn't a game, Nate. If we don't find out what Pike's up to, more people will die.

Elena:Then let's not get caught.

Kane puts in a key code and opens the door. In the distance, they hear a voice.

Man: Chancellor Pike, good to see you.

Kane turns to Miller and holds out a bug.

Kane:Hey, you put it somewhere smart, out of sight,we'll buy you some time.

Kane and Elena leaves.

Miller takes it, enters the Chancellor's office and closes the door behind him.

Pike and Bellamy heading down the hall towards the Chancellor's office while Kane, Elena comes up from the Chancellor's office to meet them.

Kane: There you are. We need to talk about these things Jaha's distributing.

All four of them stop in the hallway.

Pike:No, we don't. That's Abby's department. I have much more immediate concerns.

Pike goes to step around him and Bellamy follows but Elena turns and starts speaking again before they can leave.

Elena:Like the imprisoned Grounders?

Bellamy and Pike stop again. This is a dangerous tactic Elena is taking but it's working.

Pike:Interned for their safety as well as ours.

Kane:They came in for our help. If we're not gonna give it to them, we should at least send them home.

Bellamy: They're a liability.

Elena:Let them go.

Pike:they'll tell their people what they know about us... our defenses and capabilities.

Kane:We're talking about Lincoln here.

Pike: No. We're talking about the enemy.

Kane:Not all Grounders are the enemy.

Pike:Kane, we've been through this, all right? The election decided it.

Kane looked behind them but didn't see Miller come out.

Kane:Public opinion is a funny thing, Charles.

Pike:My job is to keep us safe, not to be liked.

Kane:Then keep up the good work.

Pike walked away with Kane walking after him.

It was weird for Bellamy and Elena because they didn't know what to say to each other.

Who she was/ The 100 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant