Bellamy:Clear the village?

Pike:Give us the room.

Man:Yes, sir,Kane,Elena and Lincoln are waiting outside.

Everyone but Bellamy and Pike leave.

Pike steps around the table to Bellamy and holds out his old guard jacket.

Pike:Thought you might like this back.

Bellamy is indifferent.

Pike sets it down on the table.

Pike:Do you have something to say to me?

Bellamy:We went too far.

Pike:I know it seems harsh,but we don't leave survivors,We don't have the medical supplies to treat their people, and we can't risk them coming back to kill us,You know,we've all learned pretty quickly that war causes us to do things that...we'll spend the rest of our lives trying to forget, The only advice I can give you is to think about the lives we saved today,not the ones that were lost,Can you do that?

Bellamy:Yes, sir.

Pike picks back up the jacket and holds it out to Bellamy. He puts it on and turns to walk out the door, nearly walking into Kane, Elena and Lincoln.

They're pissed.

Bellamy hesitates, then tries to walk past them.

Bellamy:He's ready for you.

Kane:What the hell happened out there?

Bellamy stops and looks at Lincoln

Bellamy:We did what we had to do.

Bellamy starts to walk away again but Kane stops him.

Kane:Wake up,You attacked an army that was there to help us,You murdered innocent people,Is that who you are now? You thought you couldn't live with yourself after Mount Weather,Well you just started a war that'll kill us all.

Bellamy looked over at Elena and wanted nothing more then to kiss her and leave camp together so that they can have a happy life.

Bellamy:you need to wake up, and don't tell me the difference between Azgeda and Trikru.

Lincoln and Elena are facing away, shifting from foot to foot and clenching and unclenching there fists.

Bellamy:Trikru killed 37 of my friends before you even touched the ground,We didn't start anything,They did.

Lincoln turns to Bellamy and is in his face.


Bellamy:You know what I meant.

Elena:we used to.

Lincoln and Elena backs away and goes into the chancellor's office.

Bellamy walks away.

Medical room.

Jackson and Abby are tending to sick Grounders.

Jackson:Danae's still getting worse.

Abby:Antibiotics every two hours.

Raven enters and is visibly pissed and on the verge of tears.

Abby:Keep me updated.

Abby crosses to her.

Raven:What the hell, Abby?

Abby:Calm down. I know that you're upset.

Raven:Upset? I just showed up for work and found out you fired me.

Abby:I don't fire people.

Raven:Not clearing me medically is the same damn thing.

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