I know, I know.
I'm still young - and optimistically we have the time of our lifes to do it later - but I would definitely love to live with Wilhelm.

We were sort of late but as soon as we got to the dinner table to check out the preparations, I felt the hit of what Wille meant when he asked if I was ready.


- Hey sweetie! What are you thinking about the decorations? I want everything to be perfect. - Kristina said as she closed her expensive, well-tailored robe

- Good afternoon mom! - the crown prince said, resting a kiss on his mom's head

- I think everything is already amazing! Thank you for taking care of the details. For sure this is gonna be a especial night! - Simon said with a bright smile on his face, smelling the roses on top of the table, looking at the forks and knifes that usually he was the one who ajusted at his house

- Awesome! So I think we are done in here. Simon, I called your mom and in half an hour our driver will pick her and your sister. - the queen grabbed her son in law hands

- Thank you Kris. - Simon thanked her by tightening their hands, not realising he had teary eyes.

- God, I love you both. - Wilhelm said smiling, feeling full of love since their relationship had turned into this beautiful chemestry even with their parents

- Oh honey, we love you too. But please Simme, make sure my kid looks at least presentable today, okay?
I want to please your family.

- Oh yeah, of course. But don't be worried, they know the crown prince looks ill-groomed some days..- Simon said with a teasing tone, messing up his boyfriends hair and letting the three of them giggling



⁂༄✵ 2021 ✵༄⁂

This day is gonna be bittersweet and I know it.
Rosh and Ayub are knocking my door right now, I'm excited to see how are they. I know they way they are dressed up like, and stuff like that because of social media - and I already wished merry Christmas for their family in a group video call we did.
But all of those things doesn't compare to be with them.

They help me a lot, all the time, with any issue I have.
They are my rock.
I feel safe in their company and it makes me feel super excited to be with them today. Giving presents and talking shit all night long, just like a family do, we are family.


- Toc toc!! - Ayub knocked the decorated front door from Eriksson's residence

- Come on Simme!! Here is fucking freezing, opeeen! - Rosh complain

While Simon's friends were pulling faces and giving their middle fingers as a protest for making them wait for too long, as a prank - friendly torture to them - the boy procrastinated even more walking slowly, because it was possible to see what they were doing through the glass in the room

- Shut up you two. - Simon opened the door, smiling as he sees their besties all holiday's vibe with their embroidered sweaters, Rosh has one with 5 deers and a snowman while Ayub has one with the Grinch

The three of them hugged, pressing their bodies in one same heated amount of skin

- Heeeey! Merry Christmas kids, come and give my hug too!! - Linda said yelling from the kitchen, while Sara grinned, putting the meal at the beautifully decorated dinner table

- I guess you guys came at the best moment of the night actually.. - Simon said pointing to his friends to sit next to him

- Food time! Hehe - Ayub said looking to Linda making his plate

3 Christmas Versions of Us [Wilmon Xmas AU] Where stories live. Discover now