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“So what is y’alls name?” Shaylyn asked.
“Do you mean our superhero name or our real name?” one of the teammates says.
“Both,” Shaylyn says.
“I'm Daemon, my hero's name is Zaros,” Daemon says.
“I'm Jasper, my hero's name is Midnight,” Jasper says.
“I’m Beck, my hero's name is Echo,” Beck says.
“I'm Lilith, my hero's name is Neopagan,” Lilith says.
“I'm Olivia, my hero's name is Blaze,” Olivia says.
“What are your powers?” Shaylyn asked.
“I can fly with my owl wing and I can control my feathers,” Daemon says.
“I can control the shadow and I can turn into shadow,” Jasper says.
“I can control sound,” Beck says.
“I can control nature like Mother Nature,” Lilith says.
“I can control fire,” Olivia says.
“We are known as the nightshades,” Daemon says.
Shaylyn nodded her head when he said that.
They didn’t ask what her powers were cuz they already knew.
“Ok kid, We told you our names, What is yours?” Daemon asks.
“Shaylyn,” Shaylyn says.
“Ok Shaylyn I'm going to ask you some questions,” Lilith says.
“Ok,” Shaylyn says.
“Why were you at that abandoned building?” Lilith asks.
“I was walking on my way home and I went the short way there and I came across the creepy building and I got curious and went inside,” Shaylyn says.
“What did you see?” Lilith asks.
“When I went in I saw a lot of old and rusty things. As I went farther inside I saw some light down the hallway so I walked toward it to see what it was but what I saw kind of weirded me out. I saw a macked-shifted lab that had animals and dead animals inside of tubs and I saw some vials with some green substance. I didn't get a good look at everything cuz I heard someone coming toward where I was so I hid. I didn't get a good look at them but I saw this mixed animal person. As soon as they turned around I tried to run without knocking any over but I accidentally knocked over some green substance on my hands and got some on my shirt,” Shaylyn says.
“So this green substance made you able to turn into an animal?” Lilith asks.
“I think so because I didn't have this ability before,” Shaylyn says.
“Well, the good thing is that you are still in control of your conscience when you change and you can understand us but we can't understand you tho when you try to talk to us,” Lilith says.
“When I was talking to you in my animal form I sound like I'm normally talking,” Shaylyn says.
“Interesting,” Lilith says.
When Lilith said that Daemon walked toward them to get blood samples for some test.
“I'm getting some blood for some test to see what changed in your blood,” Daemon says.
“Ok,” Shaylyn says.
They take Shaylyn to the lab to draw her blood. After they drew her blood they were looking at it through the microscope to see what was going on with her blood. As they looked at her blood they saw that it looked normal but it wasn’t.
“What do you see?” Shaylyn asked.
As Shaylyn leans over Daemon to see what is happening.
“It looks normal so far but I’m going to do more tests,” Daemon says.
As Daemon takes the DNA sample somewhere else.
“It might take a while,” Lilith says.
“Ok,” Shaylyn says.
As Shaylyn yahned a little bit. Shaylyn followed Lilith out of the lab. Lilith noticed that Shaylyn was yawning so Lilith led her to a super room so that she can sleep in awol. They wait for DNA results.
“Ok, here you go,” Lilith says.
Shaylyn looked at Lilith weirdly to figure out what she meant. Lilith notices the confusion on Shaylyn's face.
“Oh, I mean that you can wait for here wall Daemon testing your DNA samples and sleep,” Lilith says.
“Oh ok, Thank you,” Shaylyn says.
Daemon finishes the testing after a few hours of testing. Daemon found that Shaylyn's DNA sample has more than one animal cell type in her DNA. Daemon walks out of the lab to find his teammates to tell them what he discovered in Shaylyn’s DNA. When he found them they were researching Shaylyn's family tree to see about her family history see if her family had power or not. They found that her family didn’t have powers. They noticed that Daemon entered the room to tell them about what he found.
“Daemon what did you find?” Jasper asks.
“I found that Shaylyn’s DNA has more than one type of animal DNA,” Daemon says.
As Daemon said that they look at Daemon weirdly.
“How Is that possible?” Jasper asks.
“I don’t know, whatever green goo she spilled on herself made her DNA be able to change into any animal she wants,” Daemon says.
“By the way, where is Shaylyn?” Daemon asks.
“I put her in a guest room to let her sleep as she waits,” Lilith says.
Daemon nods his head as Lilith says that.
“By the way, what did you find jasper?” Daemon asks.
“Oh, I found that Shaylyn's family has no powers in her family,” Jasper says.
Shaylyn woke up from her nap and saw a text from her mom to see how she was doing.
Mom- how is everything going?
Shaylyn- it's good
Mom- that’s good
Shaylyn went to find them to see what they found. She finally found them after she got lost for a little bit. They didn’t notice her walking into the room, they were too busy.
“What are you doing?” Shaylyn asks.
“Trying to find out about what you said about the building we were patrolling and you explored,” Beck says.
“Oh ok,” Shaylyn says.
Shaylyn watched Beck searching about the creepy building as that was happening while the others walked in the room. Daemon and Lilith went to see if Shaylyn was up yet but they found her missing. They were searching for her and found her with Beck watching him research the building they were patrolling. Daemon and Lilith walked closer to them to see what they found about the building.
“What did you find about the building?” Daemon asks.
“Nothing so far, I’m still searching,” Beck says.
Daemon nodded his head as he had his arm folded.
“What did you find about in my DNA?” Shaylyn asks.
As she said that Daemon looks at her and says.
“I found you have more than one type of animal DNA in your blood,” Daemon says.
Shaylyn didn’t know what to say about what Daemon noted and she is processing that she can change into any animal she wants.
“So you're telling me that I can turn into any animal I want?” Shaylyn asks.
“Yes,” Daemon says.
“Can you guys help me control my changing?” Shaylyn asks.
“Yes,” Lilith and Olivia say at the same time.
They both said that so fast.
“If you want you can join the team?” Lilith and Olivia ask.
Daemon, Beck, and Jasper gave them a look as they said that.
“What?”  Lilith and Olivia ask.
“y’all just ask a kid to join the team” Daemon, Beck, and Jasper said.
“So we are in our early twenties and we can train her,” Lilith says.
“By the way, how old are you?” Olivia asks.
“I’m 16 about to turn 17,” Shaylyn says.
“Welcome to the team,” Olivia says.
“Ok,” Shaylyn says.
When Shaylyn said that Lilith and Olivia looked so happy that they are getting a new team mate/girl on the team. Daemon, Beck, and Jasper rolled their eyes at them as they smiled.
“I was wondering if I can tell my mom or my bff?” Shaylyn asked.
“No,” They all say at once.
“Why?” Shaylyn asked.
“Telling them will get you or the people you love get killed,” Daemon says.
“I Won't,” Shaylyn says.
Shaylyn’s mom only knows that she is hanging out with friends so her mom is not worried about her. The next day they start her training to control her changing first and then they are going to teach self-defense moves and some fighting skills. It took her a week to learn how to control her transformations. After those long weeks of learning how to control her powers, she finally got to learn how to defend herself and some fighting moves from them that took a month of training. After those months of easing her into their training, They up the training for her so she can get stronger than she already is. When they were not training they helped Shaylyn make her hero suit and also help her finger out her hero name as well.
“What do you want your hero name to be?” Daemon asks.
When he said that she was googling some name that goes with her power or that is not taken and she found one.
“How about Chimera?” Shaylyn replies.
When Shaylyn said that they didn’t disagree with the name, they liked the name she picked for herself.
“I like it, good choice,” Beck says.
When Beck said that it made Shaylyn smile at him. Shaylyn's suit and the mask were made out of some of her blood so it can form with her body when she transforms and they test it before the suit to see if it works the way it so posts to. Shaylyn tested the suit over fifty times to get it the way they wanted it. She doesn't wind up naked after a fight in the middle of the city that will be an embarrassing situation to be in so they made Shaylyn’s suit so it can transform with her.
Shaylyn trains with and without the suit so she can get comfortable wearing it. She is finally comfortable with the suit to go on missions with.
“Shaylyn, you're going to have your first mission,” Daemon says.
“Wait, you're telling me that you're giving me a mission,” Shaylyn says surprised.
“Yes,” Daemon says.
“Why?” Shaylyn asks.
“Because you need experience on the field and I need you as bait” Daemon says.
“Ok,” Shaylyn says suspiciously.
They explain the plan for the mission to Shaylyn so she knows what to do. Chimera walks onto a very old rusty-looking building. As she walks into the building. She realized that the inside of the building is a big maze as she walks farther into the maze she keeps finding dead ends here and there. Her team is wondering why she is taking so long to notify them so they ask in their earpiece.
“Chimera, why is it taking so long?” Daemon asks.
“Will, The guy we are trying to find is in a big maze,” Chimera says.
As she said that, She finally found the middle of the maze and found the guy they were looking for. He notices that she inter the maze
“Hi,” Chimera says awkwardly to him.
When they heard her say that her teammates came through the building's windows from above, they took that as the signal that they were waiting for. As They land a little bit behind them as he and his henchmen try to attack her but she dodges some of their attacks, the ones that she barely dodges give her small cuts, and she dodges them again to avoid their knives. Her teammates help her fight some of them. Her teammates ask if she is ok.
“Hey kid you ok?” Midnight asks.
“I'm ok,” Chimera says.
When they say that the enemy gets frustrated at them and tries to attack them again and she is dodging some of his attacks. Chimera doesn't dodge fast enough and she gets hit by one of the throwing knives that he throws at her. Chimera groaned a little after getting hit by a knife. She gets back up to help fight the enemy a little bit before being thrown against a wall. She gets back up and fights some more. The enemy didn't like that he and his henchmen are being defeated by a kid and her teammates. He escapes before he and his henchmen get captured; they are outmatched.
“You ok kid?” Zaros asks.
“Hey kid you alive?” Midnight asks.
They asked at the same time.
“Yea but I got stabbed,” Chimera says.
“Ok, When we get back to headquarters to fix you up you can go home,” daemon says.
Shaylyn hod’s her head in agreement. When they got back they went to the infirmary to check her injuries. After that Shaylyn went home. When she gets home she enters the house and yells.

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