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Onika was the first one to wake up the next morning, squinting at the bright light, she moved over just to bump into another body, "What the—" Just then it came to her, what had went down the night before making her blush deeply.

I can't believe I actually did that! She thought getting up from the bed not wanting Robyn to wake up with her in it. That'd just make everything even more awkward..

She walked into the bathroom to get started on her hygiene routine blasting some Lauren Hill while she was at it and by the time she was done she noticed it was almost the time when her dad usually woke up meaning she had to get started on breakfast if she didn't want to get into trouble.

Draping a towel around her body she walked into her bedroom the cold air instantly hitting her figure making her rush into the closet to get changed which was just a graphic tee and a pair of jeans.

When she was done with that she walked out of the room to still be met by Robyn's sleeping figure, she just stood there and stared and although she was drooling the green eyed girl had to have been one of the most prettiest people she'd ever met in her life.

From her perfectly arced eyebrows to her smooth carmel skin and even her cute heart shaped lips, it took all her will power to not just walk over there and kiss her.

Knock! knock!

She was brought out of her daydream by the sounds of desperate knocks on her bedroom door, her heart seemed to had stopped for a split second thinking it was her father.

"Y-yes?" She asks a bit shakily walking over to the door before opening it letting out a breath of relief when she'd seen it was only Royalty at the other end of the door.

"Aunty Nicki have you seen Rob?" She asks shakily eyes darting everywhere not being able to hold eye contact with Onika.

"Yeah, she's just in here but she's asleep." Onika says opening the door wider so the little girl could peek and see Robyn sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Oh uh I don't wanna disturb her." She says.

"Well you don't have too how about you come help me make some breakfast hmm?" She says trying to take the girls mind off whatever seemed to have been bothering her at the moment.

"Yeah, okay. What are we making?" She asks as Onika walks out the room now both of them beginning to walk towards the stairs.

"Waffles, coffee and whatever you like princess.."

"Really?! Can we make some pancakes then, you know those fancy ones that have chocolate all over them?!"

"Of course, you want us to add orange juice too..?"

"Yeah!" They both finally walked into the kitchen beginning to get started on breakfast.

By the time they were done it was almost 8:30 am and both parents and Robyn hadn't woken up yet, speaking of the devil...

"Oh this is were you are?, I've been looking all over for you." Robyn says wiping the sleep out her eyes with the palm of her hands as she let out a loud yawn.

"Good morning." Onika mumbles not being able to look at Robyn without blushing, the thought of what had occurred the night before engraved in her mind.

"Morning." Robyn replies back taking a seat on one of the stools at the island Royalty coming over to take a seat in her lap.

"Morning Rob." She smiles pecking her older sister's cheek, Onika couldn't help but aww at that, sometimes she wished she had a sibling too.

Then maybe she wouldn't feel so lonely most of the time, "Morning princess, you sleep good."

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