Quiet Days

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It was another quiet day at the Spirit and Such Consultation office, which was expected from time to time. It was also usually pretty welcomed, as long as they weren't happening too often or else it would start to hurt financially.

They usually gave time for Reigen to catch up on paperwork, make a list of things they would need to buy or reorganise and clean around the office. If Serizawa happened to be having something on his mind he was also ready to help with that, as best as he could that is.

But as of late, Reigen was less fond of those quiet days at the office because they left him too much time to think. About everything and nothing, often allowing him to spiral slowly into places he didn't like to go.

And today was no exception to this newfound dislike of them.

He had found himself thinking about how it had already been seven years since he had opened this consultation office, nearing eight years even. If he were to be honest about it, he was kind of surprised it was still running so well after all those years. Even more after the scandal he had to go through three years prior.

Yet, despite how everything was still running as smoothly as this kind of business can, he sometimes wondered what he was doing. He didn't hate this job, or else he would probably have already done like his previous one and just found something else. But sometimes it wouldn't stop bothering him that he was now 31, still being a conman half the time and pulling along espers to do his work the other half.

Maybe it was just because being at the office with other people than Mob felt strange in a way. He was honestly missing seeing the teenager coming to his office every day after school. The sight of Mob sitting at his little desk doing homework when it was calm or while Reigen was taking care of clients was always comforting in a way.

Now it was Serizawa and Tome. Sure he was happy to have them around, they helped with keeping everything running smoothly. Especially with Serizawa and his psychic powers, since the man being there allowed more time off for Mob to be a teenager. But still, it didn't feel quite the same without Mob always around the office.

Then his thought migrated towards Mob more specifically.

The teenager had grown quite a lot from the young boy he had met six years ago. He felt like it was still only yesterday that Mob was in 5th grade requesting his help, yet he was now already in 11th grade. Only one more year left to go before he would graduate from high school.

Mob had grown to be a rather handsome and beautiful young man, his feature becoming more mature than the baby face he had for most of his teenage years. His training with the body improvement club sure had paid off too, and he was still training with his former senpai even though they were in different high schools. Reigen was certain that if it wasn't for Mob still being rather socially awkward at times with people he would have a lot more girls running after him.

But despite growing so much, Mob was still the same after all those years, but simply more mature. Although Reigen had happily noted that the young man was now a lot more confident in himself, which was an excellent thing. Such a confident, nice and compassionate young man. This would make more than one wonder why he didn't have a girlfriend yet.

And he knew why Mob Didn't have a girlfriend, it was because he had a boyfriend.

Reigen was the boyfriend.

This addition to their previous relationship was a rather fresh one too. Mob was the one who had confessed to him first, after gathering what Reigen could only assume to be a lot of courage to do it.

Reigen knew he should probably have acted like a responsible adult and rejected him as nicely as possible. After all, Mob was more than a decade younger than him and had been his employee and student for pretty much all of the years they have known each other. But Reigen would also be lying if he said his affection for him had not grown deeper than it should have. He also wouldn't have wanted to make Mob sad.

Quiet Days [MobRei] MP100Where stories live. Discover now