Aya and the Below Ground Pt 2.

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*Author's Note*
-My sister is watching a show about dancing furries. Send help

Boom. Boom. Boom.

'Just a few more steps. Then it can all stop.' Aya felt as if the continuous, palpitating sound of her footsteps had seared into her mind, like the noise wouldn't stop even if she did. The last step was in sight. She heaved herself up. "Oh thank god!" She looked into the room. It was warm compared to outside. The metal of the walls were clean and brand new, not a single hint of rusting at all. There were guards posted on either side of the entrance, holding guns. That was weird. They never held guns and only batons, and they were usually inside the room. The guards looked at her in surprise. Then Aya noticed something was missing. Her heart dropped into her stomach. No. Not again.

The little stall that held the grains, the only food supply in the whole of the above lands, was missing.

"I'm sorry miss you can't come in here." The guard on the left said, blocking the way. Aya looked around rapidly.

"Where are the grains?!" She cried in dismay.

"We've run out"

"No you're lying! You're lying!" Aya accused, pushing forward. The guards restrained her.

She shoved them, but they held on. "I know what happened last time! You're hiding it!"

A cold look seemed to creep into the eyes of the guards.

"Oh do you?" one growled "What happened then?"

She stared him down "I don't need to answer to you jerks"

"Never mind that." The other guard told his partner. "How did you get in here?"

"What?" She tilted her head. They had thrown her off-guard. "It was open."

"No it wasn't!" The guard snapped, tightening his hold

Her eyes widened in shock. "I swear it was."

"Do you know what the punishment is for trespassing. Or lying to an official?"

Aya couldn't think.
Fear consumed her thoughts, threatening to rise out of her throat.
She knew exactly what the punishment was. Banishment to the below ground.
There was no time. She twisted out of the guards' grasp and stumbled towards the nearest door. Aya ran, not looking back. There had to be another way down. She turned down a fork just as she heard a door slam open. The fluorescent lights kept blinking, causing the hallway to seem eerie and infinite. Her heart rate quickened as she saw a door. There was a chance. She fumbled it open, stepping inside and closing it quietly behind her. She jammed the lock, hoping it would buy her some time. Then she became aware of her surroundings. This was the Chute, where they sent people down into the below ground. Aya licked her lips, resisting the urge to wail like a child in a tantrum. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a figure lept from the shadows and grabbed her wrist. Aya stifled a scream. It was a lady. She wore a long black dress and shawl to cover her face. For a second she was Death who had come to claim her. Then the lady spoke her ancient voice rasping like the sound of uncut metal rubbing against each other.

"Go down, little on. Go down and bring back the truth that has been forgotten for too long."

"I-I can't. My brother-he needs me!" The lady seemed to frown. She waved her hands. The atmosphere of the room changed. She felt hands like ice dance down her spine, and the shadows of the room seemed to lengthen until it had devoured all the light. Her brother stumbled out from the corner of the room. He looked around startled.

"I have brought your kin. Now you must go!"

"Aya?" Sam squeaked, a frightened expression written all over his face. "What's going on?"

Banging on the door made her jump. They had found them. They had run out of time.

"Sam." She grasped his hands, staring into his deep blue eyes. "Do you trust me?"

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Sam seemed to understand the situation

"Then come on."

Aya jumped into the Chute.

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