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The next day I wake up to my alarm going off.

I grab my phone and stop the alarm before looking at the time.

"Seven..." I yawn as I sit up.

Since today's Saturday I wake up bright and early to meet the mailman at the mailbox...he should have a letter from my mom!

I take a shower and get dressed before walking outside.

As if on cue, the mailman drives up. He stops at my neighbors house, and then he stops at mine.

"Good morning!" I state.

"Morning Y/n!" He replies. He reaches into his mail bag and hands me a stack of mail. "There you are!"

"Thank you!"

I walk back inside the house and I place all the mail that isn't mine onto the table.

When I've collected my mail, I walk into my room and sit on my bed.

There's one letter from my school and another from my mom. I open the one from my mom first and I read it in my head.

Dear Y/n,
I hope all is going well in Japan! The doctors say that I'm looking better and that I should be able to go back to normal soon...who knows, maybe they actually mean it this time around. Tell me about everything. Any new friends? How's Junpei? Your father? I just hope above all that you're happy. I can't wait to give you a big hug when I can. I love you,

I fold up the letter and smile. I get off of my bed and I open my dresser next to me. Inside of it, there's a Polaroid camera, a notebook, envelopes, and a pen.

I grab everything from inside, I place the letter on top of the older ones from my mom, and then I begin to write.

Dear Mom,
I am glad to hear that you're starting to feel better! Japan is great, I love it here even more than I did as a kid. I've met some great people on Junpei's basketball team because I'm their assistant coach! And yes, there is a special boy on it...his name is Taiga Kagami. I think he likes me too but you know how your son can get...overprotective to the max haha. I miss you too and love you too mom and I can't wait to see you again.
Love, Y/n <3

I fold the letter up and address the envelope to the hospital.

I grab my Polaroid and walk upstairs to Junpei's room. I knock on the door and he answers it a few seconds later.

"Good morning." He says, his phone to his ear.

"Morning!" I smile.

I shake my camera at him and he walks into the hallway.

"Riko, can I call you back in like five minutes...sure, okay." Junpei hangs up his phone and now I have his full attention.

I smirk at Junpei and he flicks my forehead.

"Wipe that smirk off your face..." Junpei states as he ruffles his hair and adjust his glasses on his face.

Although I can tell he's trying to hide his own smile, he fails miserably.

"Are you still in love with her?" I ask. "Just tell her, I ship it. You guys could be like the schools power couple until I get my boyfriend."

Maybe, Probably | Kagami x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora