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My clothing sticks to my skin as I force through the thick jungle foliage. Strands of my black hair, having come loose from its braid, clung to my forehead and dangled before my eyes; the hot, humid air was suffocating. How long have I been trekking?" My clock had stopped working after I had tumbled down a steep hillside, so now I was entirely dependent on the sun's position. I glance up at the sky but find the thick canopy blocks my only means of telling time. I had no responsibilities that day but didn't care to stay out past sundown. Equipped with simple iron tools, I didn't fancy meeting any monsters that stalked about after sunset.

Without a clear view of the sun, I ran the risk of being caught out in the open after nightfall. At this point, I had two choices: One, I could head back to camp, which was well behind me. Or two, press forward and hope I find a place to take shelter for the night. So, with my goal in mind, I push on through the jungle. I swing my blade, slicing through thick vines that block my path. My mind wanders back home to my mother and younger brother, and my heart begins aching in my chest. You're doing this for them. We need the money. All I needed to do was find a supply of cocoa beans and bring them to the buyer. No one had taken the job, as the jungle was hundreds of miles away from Venn, but the reward was worth the travel. Nearly two hundred gold coins for one measly bean. But just imagining what my mother could use that money for decided for me. So I packed my bag, left a note for the family, and left that night. Of course, my mother would be beyond angry when I returned, but it would be worth seeing the look on her face when I presented her with the reward.

Or so I thought.

I assumed the job would be more straightforward. Grab some cocoa beans from a tree along the edge and get home. But no. Apparently, everyone and their dog had the same idea. So I had to trek deep into the jungle, trying to find some stupid beans so that some stupid buyers could have chocolate cookies! One thing is for sure: once I get home, I'm never eating another cookie again. Okay, that was a lie. I could never give up mother's cookies.

I slice through another tangle of vines, letting them hit the ground with a wet, THWUMP.

Before me stood a hollow void, plummeting so deep that I couldn't see the bottom. My eyes widened, taking in the view of the abyss. A thin mist hovered near the edges of the entrance. In some areas, the fog was slowly sinking into the maw, mimicking the allure of a waterfall.

My gaze shifts around, looking for any sign of movement. There was no wildlife. The area was completely silent except for the steady dripping of water. Goosebumps pricked over my arms as an icy chill ran down my spine. Something felt off about the situation. Everything in my body screamed to run or change to change my path. Yet, though my legs itched to carry me away from this place, my body stood frozen. My eyes were locked onto the void before me, unable to look away. Slowly, I inched closer to the edge, unsure of what drew me toward it.

The lump in my throat grew more noticeable as I gazed down into the void, my toes barely leaving any space between me and the ledge. The shadows and mist obscured any chance of knowing how deep it was. I couldn't see the bottom, if there even was one. However, as I gazed deep into the void below, I felt like it was staring back at me.

Without warning, the ground beneath my feet gives way, and I begin hurtling downwards into the cavern below. The wind rushing in my ears drowned out my screams, which I could feel tearing at my throat. Am I about to die? I couldn't tell if my eyes were closed as inky blackness overtook my vision. I'm going to die! Oh, gods, I'm about to die! I braced myself, tensing every muscle as the air surrounding me grew exponentially colder.


It was as if my bones had shattered; the icy water seemed to pierce through my skin as I gasped. Which way is up? I began flailing my arms around my body, hoping I was swimming toward salvation. My eyes stung, and my lungs burned as each stroke became slower than the last. A tingling numbness began to creep through my limbs. Darkness crept into my vision as my chest burned, yearning for fresh air.

My fingers broke through the surface, finding bitter cold air, only slightly warmer than the frigid water. I burst from the water, gasping and coughing, my gaze darting around frantically. A dull blue glow caught my eye, and instinctively I began swimming toward the light. My muscles ached, and my chest burned as the fluid sloshed around in my lungs. My feet caught the bottom of the pool just as I sank back into the water. I forced my shaking legs to carry me forward, half swimming, half wading toward the shore. After what felt like hours, I was finally on dry land. A bluish moss covered the rocks below my feet, dampening the sound of my footsteps as I trudged further inland. My body felt like it was on fire as my legs gave out. I fell to my hands and knees and vomited onto the mossy surface below me. I was sure it was mostly water, but I could taste and smell bile.

I rolled onto my side, trembling from head to toe as my breath fogged up in front of me. Every breath ached, and I was sure I had broken a rib or two when I impacted the water. Strands of wet hair fell before my eyes, making it all too tempting to close them. I let my lids slip, letting the darkness take hold of me.

A high-pitched screech startled me awake. I jolted upright, yelping in pain as my ribs protested the sudden movement. The screech grew louder and closer. My eyes darted around, searching for the source. Then I spotted what looked like a flower bud. As I watched the bizarre plant, it began moving before my eyes. Its leaves opened, and the dull blue light that had been my salvation shone from within the plant. I had but a moment to admire the beauty of it before my hands shot up to cover my ears. The shrieks were coming from these plants?! My eyes squeezed shut as the piercing screams shook me to my soul. I couldn't see; I couldn't think. All I could do was beg for the pain to stop.

A dull rumble, a towering figure, searing pain. Then nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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