~acting childish~

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y/n pov:
I looked up at sans with fake confusion. Sans turned the other way thinking for a second he then spun around to face me again. "If you want I could let you use the spare room in my house" He said looking down at me with a tad bit of worry in his eyes. I hated it, I don't know why but I hate it. I hate pity I hate it so much but I still had my sweet smile. I looked at him "Are you Shure?" I asked. He nodded. "Thanks for this" I say with a sigh of relief, I really did not wanna be out here in the cold. "It's no problem" he shrugged. Then he grinned "I know a short cut" he grabbed my arm and all of a sudden we're at sans house. Unfazed I gazed at the house then I twirl around to see sans looking even more confused but doesn't bring up why. He walks in as I trail behind. "Paps! We have a guest!" Sans called out. I then Remember that sans had a brother called papyrus (I hope I spelled that right) I then heard a loud voice coming from the kitchen. "A VISITOR?!" A tall skeleton came into view he seemed like a giant to me.
"HELLO!" Exclaimed papyrus excitedly. "H-hello" I said a bit startled by his loud voice. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME??" I looked over at sans "well up paps he uh... doesn't have a name" My eyes lights shifted from a star and heart to a sun and moon. Papyrus was about to say reply to what sans said when he saw my eye lights change "FRIEND HOW DID YOUR EYES CHANGE?" papyrus asked. Confused sans looked over at me and looked shocked.

Sans pov:
"FRIEND HOW DID YOUR EYES CHANGE?" I heard pap ask the little skeleton. I looked over to see his eye lights were no longer a star and heart but a sun and moon. I looked at him shocked. 'Inks eyes does the same thing!' I thought to my self. 'Maybe they are somehow related?' I continue in my thoughts. Until I suddenly felt a tug on my my hoodie sleeve. I look down to see the small skeleton looking up at me worried. "Sorry I spaced out for a second" I said slightly embarrassed by being that deep in thought. Then his eye lights changed to question marks. I looked at him a bit curious. 'I wonder if Ink knows about this little guy' I pondered over the whole situation that is happening. Then yet again I felt some tug on my sleeve. I looked down to see the little skeleton looking a bit more concerned. I shook my head and apologized.
'he honestly looks and acts like a child' I sighed. "What's up little guy" I ask "you said you had an extra room" he said "I'm a bit tired" he let out a small yawn and I chuckled "alright follow me" but when I looked over to him he was holding his arms out making a grabbing motion with his hand. He wanted to be picked up.. I stifled a laugh 'he claims he not a kid but he Shure acts like one' I thought amused. I picked him and and carried him the the spare bed room. "How old are ya?" I asked curiously thinking that me might be a bit younger then a adult. He yawns and says "22"
I looked over at him a bit confused but shrugged it off 'he probably just has a mind of a child' I comment to myself. I brought the small skeleton to the guest room.

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