二 . 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔

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Chapter 二 . Watch your back


"We know." They replied unison.

"It's like sunset, 'bout to be dark (Y/n)" Kaori told me. "We need to go home & sleep! Not do something reckless & possible endangering ourselves to the point of getting in trouble, or worse, dead."

"Ugh. Fine..." I complained, while looking up at the sky. "Umm... why does it look like snow is falling?"

"What do you—?" Ichiyo asked before looking at the sky herself. "Wait a minute, the weather reports didn't say anything about it snowing, right?"

"Well, unlike you two, I check thoroughly in the news & it did say it was going to snow tonight." Yuma told us both.

"Looks like we were unprepared, then." I muttered, tossing my arm onto Ichiyo's shoulder.

"Girl, you're cold to the touch, get off me!" She yelled, pushing my arm off her. "Like 'Antarctica' type of cold."

"Sorry. I honestly thought that I was at moderate temperature, but guess not." I said to her. "But I did feel a drop in temperature drastically. We should run before it gets worse or any of us gets sick."

We all started running down the sidewalk, with our belongings beating us on our backs in order to get away from the cold environment. We've managed to reach the bus stop, which is where we've parted ways with Ichiyo & Yuma, leaving me & Kaori to walk back home. We don't live far from the school.

However, we've turned the corner that leads into the neighborhood, & I halted in my tracks to look around. It felt like dread, fear, & worry washed over me like the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011, & I hate making historical references. I gripped my arms with my nails, because it feels like I've got goosebumps. I must've zoned out due to the immense pressure of the situation, because I've managed to make my arms bleed a little from my nails.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Kaori called to me. "What's wrong? Why does it seem like you're paranoid of something?...And why do have blood dripping from your arms?"

"Umm..." I mumbled, wiping the blood with my hands, creating streaks. "Nothing, I-I'm fine. Just have a— a bad feeling about where w-we are, t-that's all!" I stuttered, forcing a smile.

"Your body language says otherwise." Kaori frowned, reaching for my shoulder. "Come on, if we run, maybe you'll feel—"

Both of us froze in place after hearing a chuckle from behind us. Kaori grabbed some sort of Swiss army knife from her bag & she turned her head with speed, which made her hair hit me across the face. I look behind myself as well, & with it being dark & snowing outside, it's hard to see where we're looking at. 

"I didn't know you carried a knife in your bag!" I said with astonishment.

"I know that you don't know but that's not the point!" She scolded.

After squinting in the dark blanket of snow, I've finally pulled out my flashlight, which I carry around in the nighttime, to see in the dark & to pack an extra punch at someone, mainly attackers. I've felt cold & I've started to shiver a bit. A lump started to form in my throat from the paranoia I'm feeling, my stomach started to feel as if it was tightening itself together. 

"Could've pulled that out earlier, y'know." Kaori said in a stern tone. "That would've probably saved me from squinting & ruining my eyesight. These glasses don't work well in the dark, & I'm not trying to have my eyes checked again!"

"O-ok, ok." I shivered. I felt a strong cold breeze hit against me. "I-it's friggin' cold o-out h-he-ere!"

We've heard footsteps behind us getting louder every second. that same feeling of dread came over us again. However, I saw something in the distance & I point my flashlight over at it. It was disgusting! It looks as if multiple dead mutilated bodies just got reincarnated & compressed together. I'd rather get sick from a cold than see that!

"WHAT. IS. T-THAT?!?" I mildly screamed in a frightened tone, pointing over at the discombobulated figure.

"What is 'what' exactly? Because I-I don't see a-anything." Kaori questioned me between chatters of her teeth clattering against one another.

"H-How do y-you n-not s-se-see the f-figure over there?" I said in annoyance. I felt myself freezing in the cold & I looked down, only to feel my fingers go numb on me.

The moment I blinked, it was gone. I looked behind myself & it was right behind Kaori, which I'm still shocked that she didn't noticed. I had to warn her.

"KAORI!" I shouted. "WATCH YOUR BACK!!"

"Huh? " She said. "What are you talking ab—HEY! GET THIS 'THING' OFF OF ME!" She shouted desperately for my help. The curse managed to grasp her by the legs & started to drag her. She threw the knife to me to try & stab it, but it started to dash away from where we were. What a stupid decision.

"HEY! YOU MUTILATED MOTHERFUCKER, GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" I yelled at the abnormal anomaly. I dropped my backpack, grabbed the knife & started to run right after it. 

I know that Okkasan told me not to run with knives, but in this case, is totally okay to do so. It managed to cut the corners & I kept hearing Kaori screaming for my help. I'm glad I took track & cross-country when I was younger, otherwise I would've collapsed back there. The snow isn't helping whatsoever, it's creating friction in my steps & making me slide every once in a while.

I lost her after I ran past the intersection in the next neighborhood beside ours. I tried to look for tracks in the snow & lucky her she made some. I follow the tracks into a house that looks as if it hasn't been maintained in 2 years. I do remember hearing at school that a break-in that resulted in a bloody massacre of a family of 4 at this house. No wonder why this place feels eerie & abandoned. I walked inside & the lump in my throat formed again, so I swallowed it, as it was constricting my airways.


↹ Chapter 二 . Completed 

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