"Fine. What's up?"

"I want you to stay with me till Wendy and Steve get back."

"Really? Why?"

"Because what they've done is horrible and I want to look after you. I want to be there for you. So please, stay with me."

"Fine." Giggled Cassie as she let a smile seep through.

She tried to cover her mouth but I moved her hands away and tickled her to make her smile more.

"Woah. No. I don't like being tickled. Back off, Jay." She laughed as she blocked my hands.

"You sure?" I asked her as I tried again.

She grabbed my taser from the glove compartment and aimed it at me.

"Okay. Okay. I surrender. Please don't." I begged as she put her finger on the trigger.

"Okay. Fine. I'll see you later."

"What time does this thing finish?"

"3pm but I have track practice for an hour. So 4pm."

"Alright. See you then. I'll pick you up and you can grab your stuff."


"Oh my. Is that early Cassie?" Gasped someone as they approached.

"I know, Millie. I'm just as shocked as you are." Said Cassie as she walked over to her.

"See ya, kid."

She turned around and waved to me before she walked inside with her friend.

As promised, I picked her up at four but I got there earlier so I could see how good she was at track.

"You're good at track."

"Thanks. Got to be my best for January. There's a meet going on."

"Competition?" I asked her.

"No, it's more of a friendly meet. I'm Millie, Cassie's best friend. Don't hurt her or I'll hunt you down."

"Okay. I'll go careful." I laughed and waved to her as she skated off.

"Nice friend."

"Yeah, she's amazing. So where are we heading?" Asked Cassie.

"To your place to pack up some of your stuff. Just some clothes and any wash stuff you may need."


"And then we are going to the district."

"No thanks."

"I still have to work."

"And that effects me because?"

"Cassie, I'm not leaving you at home by yourself."

"You don't have to. I was hoping to head out for a skate with Millie and a few other friends."

"All you had to do was ask."

"Oh, I was just going to sneak out."

"You're living under my roof. Trust and communication is key. If you are annoyed with me, you tell me. I'll do the same. You want to meet up, you ask me. I'll most likely say yes unless it's a party."

"I agree with everything you've just said apart from the whole party thing. Why can't I got to a party?"

"Because bad things happen at parties."

"Not the one I went to last week."

"What did you do at it?"

"Get this...we partied." Fake gasped Cassie.

"I'm serious."

"We danced, talked and drank."

"Exactly bad things."

"Since when was dancing bad, Detective Footloose."

"I mean the drinking, smart ass. At fifteen, it's not a good idea. Falling off your skateboard when your drunk is a stupid idea too."

She looked down at that point, knowing Kelly had told me about what had happened.

"Snicth." She muttered.

"Hey, don't be mad at him. He had a right to tell me."

"So you can go all Detective on me?"

"No, so I can keep you safe. You remember that drug meeting at your school."

"Not sure. I wasn't really listening, to be completely honest."

"Great. Go get your stuff. I'll wait out here." I said as she laughed and got out of the car.

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