Worst-Case Scenario

Start from the beginning

"Let's welcome their old rivals, Team ZGDX!" Xiao Sen said, and it was their cue to move. The team was in two lines, Chubby and K leading. Yao and Cheng went next, even though Cheng wasn't feeling well either. Chen stood behind, unsure. Cheng glanced at her, and saw her nervousness. As everyone else went ahead, Cheng went back for Chen, who was more uncomfortable than ever. 

Cheng put his hand on her head, and smiled. "You can do it. Don't be scared." He said, as Chen swallowed her fear, and lightly smiled. She followed Cheng, as she looked at the stands. There were boards and posters with her name, cheering her on. 


"It's Tong Yao's first match. She must be nervous." Rui said, and Yue scoffed. "She looks fine. Look at Chen." He said, grinning. "I hope she can deliver something big." Rui replied, looking at the screen. 


"Let's have an introduction. Lao K, the calm and collected Jungler. The shota assassin everyone is afraid of. Chubby, the golden Support. Looking at him, gives us a sense of security. Tong Yao isn't the only new addition to ZGDX, let's welcome Lee Chen, their new Topsolo! The two wild-flowers among the bushes, their new Mid and Top, Tong Yao and Lee Chen have finally revealed themselves today. Two cute girls with short hair! One is half-Korean too. And, last but not the least, the god of all ADs, Lu Si Cheng!" The host said, as Cheng looked up. The crowd cheered and applauded. Yao waved to her fans, the others smiled.

Chen just stood there, as her body froze up. How did he know I'm Korean, I never told anyone, she thought. "Both teams as ready for the match. Without further delay, both teams, please take your positions. Prepare to show our audience, the battle of the century!" He said, as both teams waved, getting off the stage. We'll show them a battle, Jian Yang thought.


As I sat down, I felt nervous. My stomach hurt, and I was dying on the inside. Not really, but you get the point. "Missy, are you that nervous?" Chubby asked, and I gave an uncomfortable smile. "I feel like I'm going to throw up my lunch." I said, gulping. I didn't feel good. Cheng smiled faintly at me, and I would have talked back, but not now. "You're really nervous. Also, we didn't have lunch yet. So, why don't you try to throw up air?" Chubby replied.

"Let's get this done, fast." Cheng said, as the hosts chatted. "-all the fans are so excited about the opening match between CK & ZGDX. I guess everyone hasn't forgotten yet, during the last Spring Playoffs, it was a..." Xiao trailed off, and Jinyang interrupted. "Bloody battle." She said, as the other emcees agreed. "Yes! Lady Jinyang used the right adjective. Can CK continue its winning legacy? Or will ZDGX avenge defeat? The female players are planning to smash the competition!" One host said. The crowd burt into cheers of Smiling and Curious. That's a short form, by the way.

I feel like everyone's staring at me. "Please don't call my name.. Just stare at the stupid screen." I mumbled, and I jinxed it. "Judging from Ms. Chen's current condition, why do I feel like she's nervous today? Maybe it's because she's one of the only two female players. Tong Yao seems more confident though. Is there something wrong?" They said, as I took a deep breath. Yao looked at me, reassuring. "Anyone, would be nervous during their first appearance. More so for a foreign." Jinyang said, as I thanked her mentally. 


The Ban/Pick Phase started, as my condition only got worse. "You can do it, Chen." I whispered, as everyone stared at me. I gave them a look. "Okay. Let's ban Lucky's Tanuki." Yu Ming said to me, as I nodded. It was his signature hero. "Enenra." "Aobozu." Enenra, Tammamo-No-Mae, Kuijra, Aobozu, Yuki, & Kani Hime are banned. Six ban slots filled. They've used four to restrict me, two to restrict Yao. It was enough to piss me off, yet the irony hit me. "Only people with a large shikigami pool can win." I said, as Ming grinned. "I will relay your message to the one beside the water-cooler." He said. 

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