Chapter Two

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When I finally woke up from a bump in the road and checked my phone for the time, I was shocked to see that it was already midday. We had left Nashville twenty minutes behind schedule at 7:20AM, so that would mean that I had been fast asleep for almost five hours. I wasn't usually the type of person who would have a nap so early on in the day but I guess I needed it.

I lay staring up at the roof of my bunk for a moment before the sound of Ellie and Lenny laughing in the back lounge got too much. With a heavy sigh, I pulled the curtain open and rolled out onto my hands and knees.

"You awake, sleepy head?" Ellie called. I watched her come into view by flopping down on her side on the lounge so she could stare down the hallway at me as I got up. "Are you joining us?"

The sunlight filtering through the window above the lounge made me squint while I reached up to pull my hair out of the bun it was in, and again as I brushed my fingers through the long blonde strands. When was I ever going to learn not to fall asleep with my hair in a bun? Probably never. It happened a lot and it always ended in a splitting headache and a kinked neck.

Ellie watched me with interest and gently patted the spot beside her. She waited for me to flop down and started absentmindedly massaging my head with her free hand.

"You," Lenny started, "slept forever."

"I was tired."

"Well, we stopped at a gas station in Memphis and got some snacks," Lenny ignored me. "I got you a sweet tea and some Reeces Pieces and Ellie got you some chips."

Without looking away from her phone, Ellie pointed in the direction of the corner where a mini fridge sat with a brown paper bag on top.

"Thanks. What are we watching?"

"Well Ellie's making me watch Jeepers Creepers. We just started the second one," Lenny sniffed indignantly. She glared over at Ellie and then turned to me and smiled. "However, you're here now. What do you wanna watch?"

I laughed and shrugged. "Sorry baby, but I love Jeepers Creepers."

Lenny scoffed and threw her hands up in defeat.

Spin Me AroundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora