Yu Qi hit Feng Yue's head. "Nothing has happened. Don't think about it. "

"Ouch, Yu Qi, that hurts. You become more like my Brother Hui." Feng Yue complained about the pain on her head. She patted the area which was hurting due to Yu Qi's hit.

"That is because you should think about what you want to say first." Yu Qi replied.

Zhu Sisters laughed when seeing this scene. After a few whiles, Zhu Sisters excused themselves since her parents called them for something.

"Our parent has called us to go to them. Probably they want us to meet some men who have a possibility of becoming their son in law." Zhu Lao Lin said.

"I know the way to escape that." Feng Yue sounded her voice.

"Huh? How?" Zhu Lao Lin was interested to hear the idea.

"You should get your own boyfriend. That would shut up your parents ." Feng Yue laughed.

"That idea is not helping me." Zhu Lao Lin rolled her eyes.

"Sister, let's go now." Zhu Xiao Ling said. She then turned to Yu Qi. "Sister Yu Qi, see you again."

"Hmm." Yu Qi nodded.

Zhu Sisters left and went to their parents. Feng Yue excused herself to go to the restroom.

Long Hui did not say anything. He just stood here guarding his beloved Qi Qi while his eyes fixed on his beloved Qi Qi. Suddenly someone came and whispered something to Long Hui making his expression changed.

Yu Qi turned to Long Hui. Even though they were whispering, Yu Qi could hear. There had some problems occurred which needed his order.

"Qi Qi, I have to leave now. Something has happened." Long Hui was very upset to leave his beloved Qi Qi. He thought he could spend time with his beloved Qi Qi tonight. But he could not.

"Don't worry about me. Just go. We will meet again. I'm on my semester break right now. I will go to Shiwa Town soon. Maybe we can meet there." Yu Qi smiled.

"Okay. Don't forget about this." Long Hui took his time.

"About what?" Yu Qi confused.

"Don't fall in love with anyone else." Long Hui made a sneak attack by kissing her lips and left very quickly.

Yu Qi's eyes were opened bigger. She could not believe that this man would be so shameless kissing her at this party. It was truly unexpected. Feeling embarrassed, she went to a corner to hide. She relaxed.

Long Cui Lang came with two cups, probably juice in it. He came here together with Long Hua Hong. The siblings made different expressions on their face. One was smiling and another one was glaring at Yu Qi.

At first, Yu Qi was just staring blankly at the siblings but when her eyes fell on the cups, she slightly smiled when she saw the cups.

"Miss Tang, nice to meet you. I'm Long Cui Lang, well, I'm like a cousin to Hui. I assume that you have already met my sister earlier. Sorry for her earlier behaviour. Hua Hong, apologize to Miss Tang." Long Cai Lang called his sister.

"What? Why should I apologize to her? I don't do anything wrong." Long Hua Hong mumbled by herself. However, Long Cui Lang and Yu Qi could hear what she had said.

"Hua Hong, don't make me say it twice." Long Cui Lang glared to Long Hua Hong.

"Alright, alright. I apologize to you for my rude behaviour just now." Long Hua Hong apologized to Yu Qi when her brother gave her his warning.

"I hope as the sign that Miss Tang has forgiven her, will you drink this with me?" Long Cui Lang gave the cup to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi looked at the cup for the moment. Then she took the cup while smiling.

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