Friends with a certain benefit (1)

Start from the beginning

I nodded, my mind everywhere but not on her. I made a next appointment though and then rushed outside to my car. I collapsed as soon as I sat infront of the steering wheel.

Through my blurry vision I saw a new message on my phone.

Tom♡: I'm really looking forward to see you next week <3

Tears where streaming down my face as I threw my phone on the passengers seat.

I fucked up. I really did.

In the seemingly endless seconds that I stood outside my mother's door, I nervously reconsidered this last-minute decision to visit my mother.

My hand clenched around my small suitcase as I rang the bell again.

After I went home from he doctors appointment, it had taken me over an hour to calm down, and even now there was nothing but chaos in my head and heart. So, without further ado, I had decided to go to my mother's house. I simply needed someone by my side to comfort me and help me figure out what to do. And who was better than my mom?

Besides, I hadn't seen her in a month so I naturally had missed her too.

The moment the door opened and I saw my mom standing there, a towel in one hand and wearing the big, red baking apron I once gave her, I had to smile.

God, I missed her so much.

,,Daya! Honey! What a surprise! I didn't expect you at all, sweety!" My mom was visibly exited and happy to see me.  I stood still and nervously fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

,,Sorry, I should have told you before that I was coming, but it was a pretty spontaneous decision. But if I'm bothering you, I -..'' I nervously started but she interruptet me.

,,Don't be silly Sweety, my only daughter is always welcome to visit." She laughed, but went silent after a few seconds. I think she noticed how nervous I was and how insecure I was standing. Or she just realized something was wrong because she was my mom and knew me like no one else did. Her face turned irritated and worringly.

,,Is everything ok, Daya?"

I couldn't hold back anymore. I rushed to her and let myself fall into her embrance, no seconds later I was sobbing into her shoulder. I couldn't stop crying while she was gently stroking my back.

,,Oh, Honey.. what happened?" I still sobbed and didn't answer.

How was I even suppose to tell her that.. I am expecting a baby?

I heard her sigh. ,,Did something happened with you and Tom?"

My head snapped up. ,,How do you.. I mean.. We are friends.. we-" I sniffed while she sighed again and kinda chuckled. ,,Let's go in first, we can talk in the living room, hmm?" She moved one of my few curly strands out of my face and kissed me on my forehead.

I nodded and when we settled down on her couch in the living room, the fire in the stove crackled comfortably and I snuggled into her arms with a cup of tea, I felt home.

My mom started to gently stroke through my hair as I calmed down and stopped crying. I loved her for giving me the time I needed.

After 15 minutes I finally found the strenght to start telling her what happened.

,,So..'' I started ,,Uhm where do I start... Me and Tom.. we... " my voice trembled. ,,So we are actually pretty close.. uhm.." I swallowed. I was all grown up and it still felt weird to talk with my mum about my sexual life.

Tomdaya and Spideyshelle OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now