Let Her Go

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"What the fuck?!"

"Let me expl-

"Nah, what the actual fuck are you doing here?" Maia said, angrily wiping her eyes as a fresh set of tears were flowing down her cheeks.

"I booked the first flight out of the UK as soon as I knew you were leaving Maia," Hasan explained, "I..."

"Oh my god, why did you have to do this right now?" Maia asked, visably conflicted, "I was rethinking things a ton, and then I finally had convinced myself that this was the best choice, but now you're here and-

"-Maia breathe."

Taking a deep inhale, Maia slowly looked up to meet Hasan's eyes.

When she didn't say anything, Hasan took his chance.

"I am so sorry Maia, I am so fucking sorry," Hasan said as his eyes glossed up, "My work has been the center of my life for as long as I remember, and I've been prioritizing it over everything for years,"

"The problem is, I've lived my life," he said, "I've traveled, learned, and experienced everything I've ever wanted. The next step was finding you."

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize this. That you had to leave for me to understand how much you mean to me," Hasan's voice broke as he searched Maias face for a reaction.

Afraid that she would break down all over again, Maia just pressed herself into his chest, engulfing the calming feeling she got from doing so.

"I forgive you," she mumbled, pulling back to meet his eyes.

"Does this mean you're leaving still?"

"Fuck no!" Maia exclaimed, smiling at Hasan's burst of laughter, "you think I can leave after that?"

"I would hope not," Hasan grinned, "I put my heart and soul into that one."

"I like it," Maia stated.

"Don't get used to it," he said with a smile.

"Yknow," she started, "just because I forgive you, doesn't mean I'm not still mad about it."

"I know, I know," Hasan said, becoming serious, "we have a lot to talk about, but right now I'm just glad to have you back."

"Me too," Maia said, before pulling his collar down and smashing their lips together.

After a moment of shock, Hasan chuckled into their kiss and pulled her body flush against his.

There was no chance he would ever let her go again.

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