Chapter 1

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Leeseo pov

i hate when i will do this if i don't do this i will starve to death. i said in my heart. i slowly put the bread in my bag
and want to leave this shop and i heard a siren sound to warn people who steal items in the store, I looked back to see a man talking on the phone and I think he called the police and reported after that I kept running and i looked at back and i see the police entering the store and I kept running until I bumped into someone until she fell on the floor.the woman said "ackk!!! yahh mincheosoo!
then I ran and hid behind a pole

Nam y/n pov

sometimes being alone feels peaceful but sometimes we feel lonely. I really want to be friends with people but why do they have to treat me like trash, I'm nam y/n I'm 15 and I quit school since I was 14 because I was bullied by my friends or not a friend, if they think I'm a friend why do they want to bully me. I was walking down the street in town and I-I saw a girl running towards me without looking ahead as if she was being chased by a dog-
ackk!!!" I screamed in pain. unnie please help me"i said in my heart."yahhh mincheosoo" I spoke and looked up and the woman was gone. i was about to stand up when the police came to me and asked" did you see a woman wearing a cap and black shirt
"Huh?" I remembered the girl earlier and I nodded.
"The policeman asked me where the girl ran to
"Fuck ,I don't know" I said in my heart
"she ran in that direction" I was pointing because I didn't know where the girl was going so the police went in the direction I pointed.
I walked to go back home and I turned to the side and saw the woman hiding at on the edge of the box
"yahhh you!!-she covered my mouth and pulled me to a place I had never been to and I saw a small and messy house. Then she pushed me into the house and said" im begging you please dont report to the police" she said with a cold voice.

"Huh?i-"I didn't finish talking she interrupted me

"Leave"she said with cold voice.uhh i really hate that voice.

I didn''t say anything to that girl and just leave her inside the house and go back to my home.

Next day

I wonder what that girl is doing should I go to her house and make friends with her. I think she is alone in that house. huh what about her family tsk nevermind I will go to her house

is she at home I dared to go to the house and the door of the house was opened by someone and it was her

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is she at home I dared to go to the house and the door of the house was opened by someone and it was her. I  jumping to the side and hiding hoping she wouldn't see me. I peek to see is she stil there or not and I didn't see her and I sighed in relief and I was about to stand up when someone grabbed my collar.

"What are you doing here?" she said in cold voice and glared at me

"H-hi"fuck why im stuttered

"Leave"she said in cold voice

"D-do you hungry?let's go to the restaurant , i'll pay-"yeah she intrupt me.

"No"she said in cold voice,and she about to walk away and I grabbed her know what i am doing rn.i was staring at her

"Let go"she said in cold voice and glaring at me.

"Hm I don't want to"i said with smile

"I said let go"she glaring at me

"Hm not until u accept my offer"haha she will accept after this.

"I.said.let.go!"oh wow shes angry yall

"Huh what?I didn't hear"i joke then I feel pain in my arm.fuck she pinched me

"Ahhhhh ahhh yahhhh ahyah it hurt!!!!"i sreaming in pain.and then i  let go of her hand.

"Yahhh do you know thats hurtt!"im fake crying.she just look at me without say anyting
"Im just want to accompany you"i said while pouting.

"Just go with someone else"she said with cold voice.

"I don't have anyone.why you don't want i want to treat you"i said with smile

"No I don't want to go out today"she said

"How about i go buy a food  and eat inside your house?"i ask her

"What?n-"i intrupt her

"Hahh you wait for me okey,i will be back!"i said then i running and go buy some food

Lee seo pov

"Oh no!whats wrong with her"what the fuck she doings that

Im really hungry rn . I last ate yesterday.and it just a bread i stole yesterday

"Im backk!"and shes back arh

Nam y/n

"Im backk!"i said with smile

"Here lets eat"i said and go find the table inside her house and there's no table inside her house and i just sit down at the floor and prepared the food and i look up i see her look at me,i smile and stand up go to her

"Are you gonna standing there?let go eat"i said and she didn't move and she just staring at me.i held her hand and smile.i pulled her hand and sit down.

"Come on the food will be cold"and she seem shock looking af the food.

"Come on the food will be cold"and she seem shock looking af the food

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"You know that you don't have to do th-"i intrupt her

"But i want to and nowww please im begging you to eat" i say with smile.i smile even more when i see she start to eat

Now we're done eating.

"Thank you."she said to me without smile arhh she make me melting

"You're welcome " i said with smile

"Hm i want to go back-"

"Bye!"and then shes close the door


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