𝟗. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Once she left what she didn't need at home Elizabeth headed out taking the shortcut to the orphanage but in then she was met with a covered up vehicle.

"Now that is just terribly sad." Elizabeth mumbled to herself staring at the vehicle that was poorly hidden but she didn't take too much time to dwell on it knowing that if she didn't make it quick to the orphanage the bags would not make it to them.

So paying no more mind to the situation Elizabeth rushed to the orphanage and luckily for her there was someone there to accept the bags for the kids and she knew that it would get to them knowing that the person in charge of the orphanage was one of the nicest folk on the Isle.

With the door closing Elizabeth let herself smile for a second thinking how that would make at least one of the kids' day and just knowing they could smile had her mood brightened.

She knew it was rough in the Isle hell she was just tossed there when she was extremely young which was hard on its own and at least she had her father she couldn't imagine how it was for the kids that were born into the Isle not exactly anyways so if she could make it easier for anyone there that was all that mattered.

Knowing that her job was done there Elizabeth headed over to the market tables wanting to get some things for the house and knowing she had to stack up on the rum considering once she left the first time her father and Hook were in half their stock.

With that thought in mind the Sparrow girl couldn't help but laugh knowing how the two were probably helping each other get off the roof with no coordination on their side though she knew she didn't have to worry much the two knew their limits and how to work with them.

They were the best after all.

As Elizabeth made her way to the food area she passed an alley hearing shuffling followed by melodic voices joined together.

"How the bloody hell are people singing as if they're in a musical?" Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows trying to ignore the voices knowing that once she did she may have to head into work and she didn't really have the energy to do so.

Having that in mind she went in the market area taking some samples making sure to grab things for the shack as well though she did get distracted with the fabric table getting ideas for new outfits for her friends and for herself thought she couldn't dwell much on them once she felt herself get bumped.

"Oh I'm sorry- I mean, um, watch where you're going. . . please." Ben apologized though he quickly remembered what his friends taught him but he really couldn't rub off his manners too quickly.

"Wow you are not horrible at that. You're not good but not horrible." Elizabeth slightly turned to him noticing a new voice appearing in the Isle having her smirk slightly though she just returned to the fabrics looking up making sure the one in charge of the tent didn't notice the king beside her though of course he wasn't he was in the middle of a nap.

"Ben you can't just rush in. . . bumping into the siren." Jay rushed up to his friend hoping he didn't get caught though he then noticed the pirate that stood in front of them and he couldn't help but loosen his tense.

"My, my, sweetheart, you think my beauty that spectacular? I'm flattered." Elizabeth shoved the fabrics she liked into her bag before moving away from the tent seeing the man in charge of it waking though to buy them some time she tossed a coin to his hat having it fall lower to his nose.

"Oh my gosh Betty." Evie squealed seeing her fellow fashionista pulling her into a quick hug with Carlos tossing her a smile over Evie's shoulders which he received on in return though as quick as he got it they all got a sigh.

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐊Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя