"Kyle? Romeo?" Brax turned to the boys who had accompanied the ambulance, looking for an explanation.

"Mr Stewart and I heard shouts of a fight, we got there as fast we could but when we got there Danny was laying into Summer and Casey was out cold. We called the ambo's and cops as soon as we heard the noise." Romeo tried to explain, he was clearing worried about Summer but seemed to be feeling guilty about the state his girlfriend was in.

Brax put a hand on Romeo's shoulder and thanked him for being there; he then turned to Kyle to see if he could offer anymore explanation. "You were there right, staying in Danny's van?" He asked his half-brother.

"How's Bianca doing?" Brax nodded towards his sister-in-laws room.

"She's ok, not long now apparently. Brax, I don't know how to help. I'm really scared." Heath began to panic again but Brax simply took hold of his brother's face and leaned his forehead against Heath's.

She's ok, not long now apparently. Brax, I don't know how to help. I'm really scared." Heath began to panic again but Brax simply took hold of his brother's face and leaned his forehead against Heath's.

"You listen here. You are an awesome dad, but you need to get back in there." Brax nodded towards the door to Bianca's room. "I'll let you know as soon as I know anything at all." With that Heath retreated back to Bianca's room as another loud scream was heard, Brax didn't envy him right now.

Brax went back to where Romeo and Kyle were sat, waiting for any scrap of news. People were running in and out of the room but no one would look at them as they went. Eventually Sid emerged from resus and Brax felt his heart stop and his blood run cold as he waited for the doctor to speak.

"They're ok." Sid said slowly, slow enough for Brax to process and let go of his bated breath. "Summer is awake and asking for you, Casey is showing signs of coming around soon. Go in and see them." Sid pushed the door open and Brax walked in slowly, not sure what he was going to find.

"Braaaxxx?" Summer croaked and tried to turn her head towards him.

"Hey, it's ok sweetheart. I'm here." Brax rushed over to him and grabbed her hand.

Brax gasped when he got closer to his sister and saw her injuries, her face was swollen with cuts and bruises. She was holding herself awkwardly and her arm was held in a temporary sling. Summer pulled her oxygen mask slowly down from her face and looked up at her big brother, her eyes full of fear and hurt.

"Casey?" Her voice was hoarse but Brax understood what she wanted to know.

"He's next to you." Brax said and moved slightly so that she could see him, "But you know what he's like, loves to sleep."

Summer tried to laugh but instantly grabbed her ribs as pain shot through them. Brax instinctively grabbed her hand in a desperate need to comfort her, as he had done with his siblings so many times before. He reached up and gently stroked his sisters hair, "What happened kiddo?" Brax asked gently.

"Casey, he wanted dad to be leave. He was trying to bait him and get him to break his bail." Summer said and tears started to fall down her battered face. "I heard him leave the house and followed him, I was so scared Brax!" She cried and reached for him.

Brax gathered her up in his arms and clambered onto the bed beside her. He couldn't believe how stupid his youngest brother had been and he hated how selfless his younger sister was to the point of getting her seriously injured.

"Hey, can anyone join the party or is it an invite only thing?" Brax and Summer turned to see Casey watching them with a crooked smile.

"Yeah actually, where's my invite?" Standing in the doorway was Heath, wheeling an incubator with a tiny baby in it.

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