A Number 3 Bridge Jump

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Log 1

I woke up bright and early this morning, and got a shower, at my Breakfast, and grabbed my office coat, every morning I always get the news, It always talks about what coming, what happened and all that other stuff, but when I got the news this morning, the front cover shocked my to the point I almost passed out. The front cover of the main page said "Engine Number 3 and Number 2 found unconscious and damaged." I was horrified about what I just saw, then I saw Kevin James, he's the driver of number 7, or Toby to be specific. I ran to him and showed him the news, he screamed and fell to the ground after what he just saw, he grabbed it all together and talked to me how this happened, I don't know what the hell happened at night, we were on the same topic, he went to show the engines and they screamed beyond recognition. They were speechless and horrified at what they just looked at but, how did this happen?

I eventually went to my office, still thinking and questioning about how Henry crashed in the first place, and that's when a guy from Vicarstown came in, his name was Jeremy by the way, asked me if he heard about what happened last night, I told him I didn't hear the whole thing, but I did get the daily newspaper about the crash, and I told him everything, he was relieved someone was tagged along with this scenario. But he told him his experience with the crash, and I was a lot more story worthy than I though, good god I'm going to need a lot so space to write.

Log 2

His story began when Henry was at Crovan's Gate with Edward at 10:35 PM, he was carrying the nighttime express that night, the reason Gordon couldn't pull it, was because he was burnt out that day, and he need a rest. So Henry took the train instead, Edward also at the station with oil and tar tankers on delivery for Doncaster, they need those tankers as soon as possible. When Henry's whistle went off, he left for London, his only stop. He would still have to make coal and water stops still. At Jeremy's outpost near the bridge to the main land, he was having a cup of tea and some biscuits, but that's when he saw some shadowy figures in the distance, he couldn't  recognize them because of the dark. But on what he saw, one of the people had a gun, Jeremy knew what was about to happen next, also at that same time, a boat was crossing the bridge to continue it's way down the stream. As it was finishing, the person shot his gun, and it was aimed at the Vicarstown Bridge Controls, and when it landed, the circuits blew up the bridge couldn't be functioned. He then saw Henry and his train heading full speed towards it, with no intention of stopping or slowing down, his crew was clear that the bridge was down, but that was not the chase. Jeremy grabbed his flashlight, tried to slow the train down, but it failed miserably, and Henry kept going forward. But after 5 seconds, his driver and firemen saw the bridge was raised up, and not down, they quickly shut off the breaks and threw Henry into emergency, but it was too late. Henry, 2 first class cars, and 4 normal cars ran off of the rails, and crashed into a nearby road, Henry and his tender zigzagged around each other, and crashed into a near by building, injuring his face, his eyes and face weren't injured on impact thankfully, the first 1st Class coach, due to Henry crashing, stopped at his tender, and the second coach, bent the first coach from the force of the collision. 3 minutes later, Edward was f out down the line, also heading the same way, he stopped just in time before crashing, the bridge now weakened by the crash, couldn't take Edward and the coaches weight, it began to rumble and shake, then the shadowy figures, went to try and grab an unconscious Henry and take him with them, but before they could take Henry, apt he bridge finally gave way, and fell into the river. Edward was knocked onto his side, and the oil and tar tankers, began leaking into the river. The passengers in the coaches that didn't crash, fell with the bridge, and began flooding, with several passengers still in the coaches, the passengers began opening windows, and got out of the sinking coaches. The shadowy figures, aborted the mission, and ran off, Jeremy then saw what seemed look like a foxes tail, but Jeremy thought it could just be a hallucination. He was happy the passengers in the sinking coaches were very lucky to get out alive, but for the ones in the coaches that crashed with Henry, weren't so lucky, of the 165 people on that train, 23 people died instantly, including Henry's driver and firemen. 8 more people died in hospital after a few hours. Henry was newscovered and taken to the Croavn's Gate work shop and began to get repaired, along with Edward, who had minor damage. The police are currently in an investigation on how this happened, and that was the whole story, from his point of view at least. I was horrified, and questioned, who were those people that short circuited the bridge, caused Henry to derail, and cause the bridge to collapse? Those people caused millions of dollars in damage! Jeremy was questionable aswell, but he had to get going for his next job for the day. I am just so confused though. How could this happen, and why? I guess that's an answer for a future date, but.. I wonder if this has anything to do with that story I found... nah! That's couldn't be true, could it? Well I better put this away, gotta bit of work to do.

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