The Origin Story of Winter Sedghi: Part 2

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 okay, I know I shouldn't say this but PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES OR DO WHAT WINTER & MILES DO IN THIS STORY. I only said that because I have no idea what all of you who are reading this are capable of and I most likely do not want you to end up in prison. thanks. now enjoy the story.

btw thank iGiveUp444444444 for this because she asked me if the origin story was gonna have winter's crimes in it, I originally thought no but that got me thinking & that's why you all have a part 2 in the first place lol


February 12th, 2009/Winter 2009

   It was 9:40 PM. 20 minutes before the pet shop closed. Tonight, Winter & Miles had a plan. That plan was to rob the bank that was a few streets down from the pet store itself. The two wanted to steal money just because, or maybe to support their family or to use it themselves. They didn't really know. But they also had never committed a crime before ever in their bunny lives. They hadn't even existed that long, but long enough to plot the plan to where it would go well. Or at least they hoped.

   The employee who was working there wasn't really doing anything and not paying attention, which meant that the two could sneak out early but it would backfire on them since before she would leave to close up the store and end her shift she would check on all the animals. They also were known to sneak out before but they didn't commit any crimes. They would just chill. But tonight, that was the complete opposite of what they were doing.

   Winter & Miles in were the cage that they shared with their family laying next to each other. They quietly plotted while the others slept.

   "*nervous bunny noise* (Win, are you sure that it's gonna go well? What if it doesn't?)" Miles said.

   "*reassuring bunny noise* (It will! We've been planning for weeks now. If we get caught, what's the worse that will happen? Worst case scenario, they obviously won't think it's us because we're only bunnies. They won't think that it's not possible and probably just let us go into the street and we'd find our way back home.)" Winter replied.

   "*relieved bunny noise* (Alright. Let's just wait until that girl leaves and then we could get our supplies and go.)"

   "*agreeing bunny noise* (Yeah.)"

   They continued to wait until the employee noticed that it was 9:55 and checked on each animal in the store. When she passed by the two they pretended to sleep just as the others were. Then for some reason, the employee decided that she wanted to PET both of them. Since they didn't want the employee to know that they were sneaking out again they had to shut up and take it. Winter wanted to bite the girl's hand off the whole time. It was painful.

   Soon she thankfully left and the bunnies scattered around their cage, digging for the various items they made or stole for the bank robbery. They dug like hell but were silent about the whole thing. When they got the items, they carefully sprung out of their cage carrying the items one by one so they wouldn't wake up their family. Both of them were out and Winter went to go to the register to grab a plastic bag to carry all of the stuff in.

   "*questioning bunny noise* (The same way as last time?)" Winter asked.

   "*agreeing bunny noise* (Sure.)" Miles replied.

   But as Winter hopped up onto the counter to grab the plastic card, it was gone! They regularly used that card to help pick the lock of the door but this time it was nowhere to be seen. The employees must have caught onto their ways and hid it somewhere else or gotten rid of it.

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