Chapter 4 - Syren's spell

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Leon had just finished patching you up which made it feel a hell of a lot better. This realm's ability to heal really is a mystery after being stabbed it doesn't take month but only takes minutes, aparently when you have been mori'd it may take hours or a couple of days to recover.

''Thanks, Leon.'' You smiled at him.
''No worries.'' He gave you a thumbs up.
''But I wish I could have a bath now, the only issue is the water and there is no bath tub...'' You complained.

''Actually, there is a lake close by, it kinda acts like a hot spring.'' Claudette joined into the conversation that she was overhearing.

''No way! I could use a hot spring.'' You were excited that there was something like a hot spring.

''A couple of us here have used it. Your skin will feel amazing afterwards.'' Kate also joined into the chat. ''I will show you where it is when you are ready.'' She added. 

''I guess I will go and try it then.'' You got up from your seat. ''If anyone decides to try and sneak a peak, I swear I will make sure you are sacrified for the next 10 matches we are in a trial together. Just a warning to you all'' You announced before walking to your cabin to get some preparations for the Lake hot spring thing. Grabbing a towel, a change of clothes and soaps with you. 

You headed back to the campfire where Kate was waiting for you.

''You ready.'' She asked and you nodded in reply. You followed her into the forest, like the wooded area around the camp it almost all looked the same the trees, the sky the dirt but within ranged you could see what almost seemed like a glowing blue aurora. 
''That's the one.'' You confirmed as we approached seeing the glistening water and seeing the heat rise from the water into the air. 

We got to the beach area of the lake and began setting things down. 

''Thanks, Kate'' You thanked her. 

''No worries, Doll.'' She winked before disappearing back into the forest, back to the camp. You removed your clothes leaving only your underwear, shivering at the cold breeze and stepped into the lake. It was the perfect temperature. You went further into the lake, to the point you couldn't feel the floor. The glows reminded you of that song scene from the little mermaid where they sat in the boat and the glows of the fireflies danced about. 

You were now completely relaxed, as if you weren't in the realm that you were trapped in. You decided to hum letting yourself float. The only thing that would make this better would be music, you decided you would just sing to make up for the lack of music and the drown out the eerie ambient. 

You remembered back in your realm there was a dark version of Kiss The Girl which you did enjoy and thought you would sing it as you continue to relax. 

---------------The Tricksters POV----------

''Are you sure we aren't lost in the fog?'' Danny asked me once again, we had been walking outside of the camp radius for awhile.

''We aren't lost, we are just looking for any sign of the survivor's camp.'' I assured him not admitting I had no idea where we were heading. I had been dragging my bat in the dirt to create a path back to camp. 

''I've said no one has gone out and found it yet. And what's the point of finding it?'' He asked. 

''Don't you remember what I sa-'' I started but then heard a voice, singing, as if it was calling me.

Float along
And listen to the song
The song says kiss the girl

''What is that?'' Danny asked. 

I didn't answer, I just followed the voice. It was angelic like but the song they were singing. I knew it but this was a twisted version of it. I loved it. It was like I was in a trance.

There it was, there was a lake. It glowed, like magic. In the centre, someone was floating. I couldn't tell who it was but I knew we had reached the division of where the two camps meet. 

''What is this place?'' Danny asked as if I knew. 

''I don't know, but I think we found where the survivors are.'' I smirked, I finally found it. I didn't want to alert the survivor we had found where they were. But of course. The entity's spies were watching and cawing before flying off. We quickly dashed behind a rock. 

Then they screamed. I could hear splashing, I took a peek to to see them swimming to their side of the lake. 

-----------------Your POV------------

Someone was watching you but not from your side of the lake, you swam to safety as some survivors came running from the woods. 

''(y/n)! Are you alright?'' Steve asked. Leon quickly grabbed the blanket you brought with you and wrapped it around you. 

''I saw something over there.'' You pointed to the otherside of the lake.

''Don't tell me....'' Leon began.

''We are meant to be hidden in the fog. How did they find us?'' Cheryl was concerned about this.

''Let's get going. We can't stay here if they are watching us.'' Steve suggested, leading you away.

''How long have they known about this place, do you think?'' You asked as all walked back in a somewhat defensive formation. Cheryl next to you, Steve at the front and Leon behind. 

''No one has ever had this happened to them. Either that or we have been completely oblivious this entire time.'' Cheryl felt kind bad if it had been happening this entire time.'

''What do you think we can do?'' Steve asked. 

''I think there's not much we can do...but what the entity allows we cannot control.'' Cheryl responded. 

''I think some rules need to be put into place.'' Leon announced. 

The three of you had made it back to camp, Cheryl took you back to your cabin before returning to the campfire with Leon and Steve to let everyone know of the situation. You were still a bit shakened by what happened. You wrapped up in your bed. Not long after. You fell asleep.

------Back to The Trickster------

''That was them?!'' Ji-Woon yelled.

''Pretty sure it was. The back of the head was the same, skin, hair, body shape seemed the same from what I had seen in my previous match.'' Danny explained ''So what now?'' He raised an eyebrow behind his mask. 

''Once I capture them, then I will decide what to do with them.'' He seemed quite conflicted. After hearing that voice it was like he was under their spell. 

Author Notes

Sorry it's been so long. But here's next chapter! Enjoy!

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