"Yo estoy fantastica. Y tu Daniel hace cuanto tiempo que no te veo. Como estan?" she replied obviously directing the question more toward Daniel.

        "Yo estoy bien." Daniel smiled awkwardly turning his head over to Nick.

        "Porque esta mas alta tu voz?" Emiliano interjected looking up from his plate over to Paulina.

        "De que estas hablando? Mi voz esta normal." Paulina stated, her gaze moving to Emiliano.

         "No pero- sabes algo, no importa." Emi said, his focus going back down onto his plate.

        "Y quienes son estos chicos guapos, no los he visto antes." commented Paulina as her gaze once again moved, this time over to the triplets.

        "Son mis amigos, querian venir. No hablan español." Salem clarified as she just wanted the conversation to end.

"Ah oki, pues voy a saludar los demás. Fue tan bueno verte otra vez." Paulina bid her goodbyes and walked to the other side of the backyard.

"Well that was painful to watch." Caeser commented after being quite the entire conversation.

"She didn't even say anything to you did she?" Chris pointed out.

"She was too focused on Daniel." Manuel joked.

The night continued and so did conversations and people going up to dance. The group of eight were all peacefully sat watching people dance.


Wouldn't it be funny if i dragged u up there when a cumbia song plays

Daniel i will rip your dick off.

Well won't you look at that
a cumbia

Salem glared at Daniel from across the table already knowing what his plan was. Daniel got up from his chair and made his way over to Salems side all with a grin on his face.

"Daniel no, i swear. Please. No," pleaded Salem as Daniel grabbed their arms.

"C'mon get up." Daniel got Salem to their feet and dragged them to where everyone else was dancing.

The six friends watched as Daniel made Salem dance with him in amusement. Laughing and cheering along. Watching how they made fun of each other for messing up a step. Although knowing their relationship seemed to be strictly platonic (yeah okay🙄), Chris couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He wanted to be the one dancing with Salem. Even if he didn't know how. He could learn. She could teach him.

December 24,2022

It was three in the morning. The last couple of Aunts and uncles were leaving or helping clean up inside. Daniel, Caeser, Matt, Nick, Chris, and Salem were cleaning outside listening to one of Salems playlists.

"Sal," Daniel whispered, getting a hum in response. "do you have lovers rock on this playlist?"

"Daniel, I have lovers rock on every playlist. Why?" Salem answered back wondering where this conversation was going to lead to.

"I was just wondering. You know, cause of your story." he mumbled.

"You're gonna leave me out here with Chris when lovers rock plays aren't you." Salem guessed staring at Daniel with a straight face.

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