
590 11 1

(Tw for mention of argument with parent)

Oct 26,2022


Open your window

Its 7 pm

Just open the window

The triplets are here tho
Is that okay

Its fine just
Please open the window

Daniel rushed up the stairs to his room after telling the triplets he needed to take care of something really quickly. He opened his bedroom window seeing Salem right in front of the window, hands shaking, teary-eyed, with a tote bag next to her.

"Come on, get in." Salem stepped inside Daniel's bedroom setting the bag on the floor.

"Let me guess your mom started another pointless argument?" He asked as he closed his window and turned his attention towards Salem.

Daniel got the exact response he thought he would. Nothing. No words just Salem's blank stare moving over to his eyes. He did expect Salem to sit down on his bed and continue to stare blankly at nothing. The last thing he expected Salem to do was to latch onto him and bury her head in his chest as she cried. Yet, that is exactly what he got.

He stayed silent as he wrapped one of his arms around his best friend's torso and the other around her neck as he placed his hand on the back of her head. As much as this was not a frequent reaction, it happened enough for Daniel to know how to react. He knew to pause after asking a question and not to ask another immediately after.

"I'm so fucking tired of this." She mumbled into his T-shirt. "I try so hard to make her proud of me and it never works. She always has a stupid bone to pick."

"What was it about this time?" Daniel questioned as Salem loosened her grip from the hug.

"It went from her saying I have too many guy friends and implying I'm a whore to me bringing up the fact that if Rafa was in my position this conversation wouldn't be happening even though he is a literal whore." She explained as she pulled away from the hug and took a seat on Daniel's bed with a deep sigh. "You know what the worst part is? My dad and Rafa agreed with me. They agreed with ME, and mi ama didn't even try to deny it. She just skipped over the Rafa comment as if I never said it. I've tried everything to get her to treat me like how she treats Rafa. But its never good enough."

"So I'm taking it you're gonna stay here a couple of nights 'cause you don't want to be around her," Daniel added after a long pause.

"Offer still open?" They asked referring to an offer made by Daniel and his dad back in high school when these situations were a daily thing.

"Of course it's still open. And it's not closing," he reassured her. "Do you wanna go downstairs? or.."

"Yeah, let's go," Salem stated as she stood up and the pair made their way downstairs.

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