He walks up close to me. Before he can touch me though, Chrysander comes running up to him. His face a mix of anger and determination.

With a simple backhand, the man in front of me with the colourful features, knocks Chrysander to the ground, unconscious.

I would move to see if he is alright if I could. My feet are rooted to the spot. I'm paralysed. Well, my feet are. I can move the rest of my limbs just fine.

The man takes another step closer to me and looks me in the face.

"My my. The Devil wasn't exaggerating when he boasted you as quite the catch." His voice is deep and rumbling. It's not smooth and ear pleasing like the Devil's voice.

I don't say anything. Who is this guy anyway? What's with all this materialising here and there? First the Devil then Chrysander now this dude.

"Come with me little girl. I'll make all your dreams come true."

Who does he think he is? Santa Claus? My fairy god mother?

"Don't you dare lay a dirty paw on her Hades!"

I don't have to turn around to know that when you speak of the Devil, he turns up.

The Devil marches up to Hades from somewhere behind me. He glares at me slightly before opening the angry floodgates that are his dark maroon eyes at Hades.

Whoa. What did I do wrong? I was only answering nature's call. Is that so bad? Why glare at me for?

"Brother, it's not good to keep precious treasures all to yourself."

The Devil spits on the ground. "She is no treasure of mine." The floodgates open wider.

"Then why the sudden turning up huh? And what’s with the warm welcome? It's rude to treat your elders this way you know." Hades mocked the Devil with a smug look on his face.

Then the Devil starts laughing. I don't see what's so funny about two supernatural beings arguing…

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were jealous, brother."

Hades snorted. "Hmpf. Just because you are lord of all chaos does not make you better than me, brother. So how in all the worlds do you think I am jealous of you?"

"Let me see, I'm better looking than you, smarter than you, more evil than you and hell definitely more sexier than you."

Ugh. Men. Or in this case, males.

"Yes, you were always God's favourite Villain. So how'd you do it, Dev, how'd you go from an Angel to the Devil? From His advocate to his enemy?"

"Don’t bring up history. You know how much I hate it."

"Ohoho! You do, don't you. You love to recall how you became evil out of your own doing and not through His original plan. That's why you corrupted the First two humans. Your anger got the better of you. You have no self-control."

"Shut up!"

"I was the orginal Villain! Not you! I condemn you to the Abyss! May you rot along with all the other human souls! Muahahahah!"

Ookay. Am I invisible or what? What are these two fighting about anyway?

"You'll never find a mate."

"What was that brother? I couldn't hear you?" mocked Hades.

"I-!" The Devil is stopped by the appearance of two other supernaturals.

"What in hell is wrong with chu two? Can't ya'll go a day without fight'in?" A black haired woman with dark skin and green eyes stands behind Hades and walks up to us.

"I see the problem. Hades is  jealous of the Devil's bitch."

"Say what?"

"I'm not jealous!" Hades glares at the blonde woman standing next to the other woman. She has blue eyes and fair skin. Both women are wearing matching cream coloured dresses and lots of gold jewellery. They had golden auras radiating from behind them.

"Demi-gods," scoffs the Devil.

"Scuse me, I think we deserve a little respect here," says the darker goddess.

"I mean, welcome to our showdown, Goddesses."

"Thank you. Much better."

"Now let's break up this fight. Okay Devil, you take her and go somewhere else and you, Hades, quit being jealous."

"I ain't jealous!" Hades crosses his arms.

Both goddesses roll their eyes and then leave.

"This is not the end, brother. We'll meet again." Hades' eyes rest on mine before he fades out along with his purple smoke.

"Rhea. I told you not to leave the classroom."

"Hey, all I wanted to do was answer nature's call. Looks like even that's not allowed."

"No I didn't mean that. But I suppose it's not your fault. You're only human." The Devil kneels to check on Chrysander.

Something about that last sentence makes disappointment settle inside my gut.

A/N: Hey y'all! Wassup? I know I haven't updated in a long time. Too many things to do, so little time. Argh.. Anyhow...Oooooh Hades and The Devil...a bit of sibling rivalry going on there! Hahaaha!

Sorry if this chapter does not make any sense. It's 1 am so I'm a little sleep deprieved. Sorry. Enjoy anyway!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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