He exited the room with a towel wrapped dangerously low on his v-line.
"Take it down, please," he begged me. Ironic.
I laughed, "No, it's cute!"
"You're lucky I love you," he rolled his eyes at me before heading upstairs, "And I saw you staring," he turned around, flashing his famous smirk at me and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I followed him upstairs, knocking on the door before entering. He still wasn't dressed, just staring at the contents of his wardrobe- a thing both of us seemed to do a lot.

"Where do you wanna go? Somewhere fancy? Dinner? Activity? Meet people?" I listed things we could do.
"Let's just drive," he said smiling.
I laughed, "You just wanna drive?"
"I don't know. We can stop if we see something cool. Let's just get in comfy clothes and drive. No, let's watch a film then leave when it's dark!" he sounded excited and I pecked his lips.

"I really do love you Neymar," I looked up at him and had my hands round his neck as he placed his around my waist.
He smiled, "I know you do."
I hit the back of his head, dropping my hands from his neck and going to walk away but he pulled me back, close to him, by the hips.
"I'm joking princesa. I love you more than you know."

He kissed my forehead, then my cheek and soon all over my face, making me laugh and try squirm out of his grip.
"Go away, put some clothes on!" I said, laughing once free.
"You don't want me to do that!" he raised an eyebrow, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Erm yes I do."
"Mhm," he smirked and I ignored him.

He got changed into an oversized red jumper and baggy black joggers.
"Give me a t-shirt," I said, pulling my leggings up higher so they'd go up my arse a bit more, #hoelifeornolife.

He rummaged around before smiling and passing me a red and white Nike, Just Do It one. We were both matching with red tops and black bottoms. I laughed and dragged him over to the mirror to take a photo.

I took one where he was stood behind me, hands round my waist and head in my neck and another one with both of us being stupid. I was on his back and we had our tongues out. I sent the second one to him and posted the first one on Instagram.

I was still on his back, hugging his neck, when he asked where we wanted to watch.
"You choose, everything's your choice today!" I said. I honestly didn't mind whether we watched in the bedroom or the living room. Both were comfy.
"Hmm. The TV's bigger downstairs," he weighed out the options.
"Yeah but up here we have the bed," I shrugged at him.

"If we watch up here we probably won't wanna leave to drive though," he said.
"Smart Junior, smart. Straight ahead!" he ran with me on his back, through the hallway, down the stairs and into the lounge before dumping me on the sofa.
He laughed and ran to the kitchen for snacks.

He returned after a few minutes,with some chocolate and popcorn. I sat in the corner of the L-sofa and he laid on his side, his head in my lap. I messed with his hair as I scrolled through Netflix.

"What you wanna watch bonito?"
"Bonito huh?" he smiled and looked up at me.
"Shut up, pick a film."
He laughed before taking the remote from my hands and scrolling through Netflix himself.
He grinned before clicking on the SpongeBob movie.
"You're such a child," I laughed, resting my hands back in his curls.

About forty minutes in, I felt his breathing steady out and realised he had fallen sleep. I took a photo of him in my lap and made sure to get SpongeBob in the background. I turned the TV off and leant my head back on the wall behind the sofa, just thinking.

I felt happy. I had moved in with my boyfriend. My boyfriend is Neymar. What more could I ask for? I sorted out my university stuff. He's playing for Brasil next year. And right now he was laying on me asleep whilst I got to touch his famous hair.

Just Friends - Neymar JrOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora