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It was now Wednesday and Claire couldn't wait till the weekend, though she's just halfway through the week. She wanted to finish all her tasks in those two days.

"I'm so exhausted, but I can't give up. In a couple of months, I'm gonna graduate med school and take a residency program." She thought.

Just then she came to realize that she hasn't applied to any hospitals yet. She opened her planner and added it.

"Apply for residency program" she muttered quietly while writing. Just then she hears the door of their classroom open. It was their professor, Dr. Smith.

"Good afternoon class, since I think I covered all the topics needed, I would just like to inform you about your final requirement for my class." She hears him announce.

"You must all remember that with even one requirement unsubmitted, you wouldn't be able to leave med school." Dr. Smith adds.

Claire was agitated. She was nervous with the difficulty level of what he was about to give. Knowing Dr. Smith, he might be the most challenging professor to have. He was a perfectionist with very high standard.

Claire's thinking was interrupted when Dr. Smith started discussing what they have to do.

"What I want you to do is interview a doctor, out of our school." He started saying.

"I don't care if they're famous or not, as long as they have years of experience as a licensed physician." He again added.

"The questions you'll ask is up to you. After that, I want you to present what you got from that interview, one-by-one. This will be due next month, which is 5 weeks from now." He heard him say again.

"Shit, who can I interview?" she thought.

Claire wanted someone who'd be almost impossible to get in touch with. She thinks that it would still give her more points despite what Dr. Smith said about their status in the medical field. If they were to present about that person, might as well have someone who can give her interesting information.

"Okay, that's it for today you may leave class." She hears him dismiss them. She looks at her watch, 5:00 pm. She went straight home not needing to go anywhere. She had done all her routine, freshened up and changed her clothes. She decided she'd research about doctors here in San Jose.

After a couple of hours researching, Claire is now looking through St. Bonaventure's doctors. Dr. Audrey Lim, a trauma surgeon, Dr. Marcus Andrews, a plastic surgeon, Dr. Matt Coyle, orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Carly Lever, pathologist. She then reaches the final two, Dr. Neil Melendez, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Dr. Aaron Glassman, a neurosurgeon and the president of the hospital.

I think Dr. Glassman is a great choice, she thought. It might be hard to get an appointment with him, but I could try. St. Bonaventure is just across the café I work in; I'll email them then try to inquire in the hospital.

Claire typed in the email address found in the site of St. Bonaventure.
"Good Day!
I am Claire Browne a student of Carrington University of San Jose, and I am currently in medical school. To make my letter short, I would like to ask if it is possible to get an interview with Dr. Aaron Glassman.

We were tasked by our professor to interview a licensed physician with years of experience for our last requirement before graduating. As I was going through and researching about doctors in San Jose, Dr. Aaron Glassman has caught my attention. With all his experience and success, I am certain that he would be able to give me the information I need. Everything about his work interests me, and I hope I get the chance to talk to him about them more. Thank you and I'm hoping you could consider my request.
Claire Browne
Carrington University Student"

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