Inside the bathroom I wash my face soaping my beard. I trim it as much as I can with a gas station blade. I'd had prefered to shave completely but that would make things too obvious for the counter guy. 

Before leaving the restroom I remember what the counter guy said about keeping it clean so I tidy up and clean the mess I made. I return the key with a smile, a fresh face, and clothes that don't scream 'Inmate' to the world.

"You sure were busy there. Am I going to find something gross or inappropriate inside?"

I throw my head back laughing. "No, man, I was just freshening up. I've been driving for hours and wanted to wash my face and wake up enough to keep driving." He looks outside to see no cars near any of the pumps. "It's parked to the side. I still have enough gas. Just needed a snack and like I said, freshening up." 

"Ok," he says looking down at the floor. I know I should be running again; the cops could show up here any minute. But I don't hear the sirens anymore so maybe they took the highway. "What's your—?" Counter Guy clears his throat, "What's your name?" 

"My name's Dyl- John!" I catch myself giving out my real name and rush to change it, "My name is John."

"Ok, Diljohn," he rolls his eyes, "I'm going to pretend you didn't just lie to me.

"Sorry," I chuckle. "My name is Dylan. Yours?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Come on! You're really not going to tell me?"

"My name is Javier." 

There's awkward silence after that but whatever the reason, I don't move to leave. "You're very attractive," I finally say and I see him blush. He's so cute. 

"You are too. Attractive I mean. You're very handsome." 

I smirk and lean closer to him, resting my elbows on the counter and holding my hands together. "Tell me, Javier. Am I making you nervous?" He nods. "Is there anything I can do to not make you nervous?" 

This time around he shakes his head and I figure this charade isn't worth getting caught, but just as I turn to leave, Javier —moving faster than I can see— grabs something from behind him then grabs some keys, and runs around the counter and toward the door.

Fuck! He made me. He knows I escaped. He's going to turn me in. Of course he is. What the fuck was I thinking? Did he see me on TV? Is there a TV behind the count—

"I…eh," Javier pauses holding his hands behind him. Shit, is he going to do something? He could have a taser for all I know. "I've had this fantasy of hooking up with someone random." Ok. Not what I was thinking. But he continues. "My best friend bet me I couldn't do it by the end of the week and I was wondering if you'd like to—"

"To what? To hook up?" 

"Yes. I mean, you were flirting with me right? Oh god please tell me that was flirting; that you're not straight or married or something."

I laugh and shake my head. "No, Javier, I'm far from straight, but do you really want that?" 

Javier looks down to his feet again and nods. I can't pass on an opportunity like this, can I? What are you doing? Just say no and keep running. Say no and go. Leave now. I shouldn't say ye— "Ok!" Shit. That's exactly what I shouldn't have said.

"Really? Awesome!" 

"Yes, really, but how are we doing this? How are you going to leave the counter unattended? You could get fired."

"Actually, my brother owns this place. He just asked me to cover for him tonight because he had an emergency. Trust me, he won't even know if I close the place for a bit." 

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