f i v e

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"mary! wait up!" the blonde boy was rushing down the hallway.

"what do you want?" i turned to look at him.

"what are you doing friday night?"

"i'm busy"

i clutched the books in my hands a bit tighter and i began to become scared of what he was going to ask me. i mean what could tristan dugray possible want to say to me about friday night.

"busy doing what?"

"well if you must know, i have a date."

"woah, mary's got a date! i was kinda hoping i would be the first to ask you out."

"oh please, you have no desire to take me out. you just want to prove something. i don't know what that is but you have this weird need to make me fall for you."

"well mary, i am just so deeply in love with you, i can't sleep, can't eat. i wake up in the middle of the night calling out your name, lilith! lilith!" he started the dramatics.

"don't even start."

"well if that date you have on friday just so happens to fall through, here is my number, call me" he says as he begins to walk away.

that boy is a mystery. i continue to walk back to my locker. one of the girls i saw in mr. remmy's class on the first day was standing at the locker next to mine.

"tristan is a basket case." she talks.

"tell me about it."

"he did that same exact thing to me the first week i was here, until i quite literally yelled at him to stop."

"well i might need some lessons."

"rory gilmore" she stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"lilith sinclair."

i sat on my bed just staring at the books in my lap. we haven't even been living in this house for a week and my parents have already took it upon themselves to fly to france. vinnie was off doing god knows what with god knows who. and maeve was fast asleep on her bed.  so it was just me.

i threw the books off my lap and began my journey down stairs. i snooped around in the kitchen for a while just to find nothing. i was wearing low wasted white and red stripped pajama pants and a white tank top.

this house was awfully boring.

i grabbed my cell phone from my pocket. i dialed a number and listened as it rang. but the voice that picked up was not the voice i was expecting.

"oh hey."

"um where is clay...?"

"oh my bad, clay come here some girl called you." i could hear him say even though he put the phone down away from his mouth.

"hey there."

"well i was calling to ask if you wanted to come over but you seem busy so..."

"i'm sorry, logan and everyone else thought it would be a good idea to just show up at my house tonight, i can still come over if you want, but there might be more company than just me."

"you know what the more the merrier."

"the party has arrived!" i hear the familiar voice of an australian boy echo from the mail hall.

"finn keep it down my sister is sleeping upstairs," trying to put him in his place.

"ooh sinclairs got a sister," logan says clearly drunk.

"back off perv, she is 12."

"hey house was i supposed to know," he replies putting his arms up to show he wasn't guilty."

clay comes up to me and takes my hand as he proceeds to lead me to the kitchen.

"you showing me around my own house now?"

"just looking for some... things," he says starting to laugh.

of course they are all mildly tipsy at least. i don't even want to know how they got here. i shouldve said no to letting them all come but they are here now so.

"your father has excellent taste in scotch i may say," finn says taking me away from my thoughts.

"make sure you fill the bottles back up, i'm not looking to be grounded again."

i push myself up so i am sitting on the counter and i clay comes between my legs. he looks me deep in the eyes. i begin to bat my eyelashes innocently. he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me just a smidge closer to him. our faces almost touching.

i rest my arms on his shoulders, wrapping them around his neck. i give him a slight smile as he begins to lean in.

he begins to kiss me as my hands make their way to mess with his hair. my legs wrapping themselves around his waist. he pulls away ever so slowly.

"you are so hot," he whispers in a raspy voice so only i can hear.

"woah what's going on in here," i hear the high pitch little voice of my little sister.

clay takes a big step back, i jump of the counter, and logan, finn, and colin all put the bottles they were holding down.

"oh um maeve hi, i thought you were sleeping," giving her the look to go back to bed.

"i can down here for some water chill," she gives me attitude. "i'm gonna tell mom if you don't let me have a sleepover with taylor tomorrow night."

"maeve you have to unpack before you can..."

she holds up her cell phone to show me that my fate rested in her hands.

"ok fine."

"aw thanks love you," she gives me a snarky smirk before walked back to her room.

clay takes a step into me. our bodies touching.

"now where were we?" he tilts his head as his raspy voice speaks again. leaning in to kiss me more.

as if this night wasn't already falling apart, the front door was being opened.

i hear the laughs of many. one i can make out to be my brother. clay is still trying to swallow my tongue so i try and push him off slightly. he refuses and continues to kiss me. so i push him off completely this time.

"clay not now."

"omg," he voice trailed off as he walked over to finn and the others.

i try to catch a peak at who is here from the kitchen door, until it swings open. i stand there frozen once again.

i just sit there and stare at vinnie. him staring back. i watch as his friends approach behind him. many of his new school friends. but shock fell upon me when i saw no other then tristan dugray.

i updated the characters so please look!!!!

it's been a hot minute. my bad i was gone for a bit. i just started rewatching gg so i thought it would be a good time to finally update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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