"Please let me go" Adriana twisted her wrist away from him once they stepped outside. "Luca go get the car" he sent him off quickly and looked at Adriana right in the eyes. He came towards her and placed his hand on her face gripping it from the back of her head. He was looking into her pupils looking for any signs of the drug. "You're ok for now" he stated quickly once he heard her breath hitch, she was clearly nervous. "We need to get you home now where you can sleep it off". She shook her head in a terrified manner, "shouldn't I go to the hospital or something?"

"There's no need. We'll take you home to bed while you're still functioning, trust me you just need to sleep it off" Luca appeared with the car and Salvatore opened up the back door urging her in. She stood still hesitating. There was a very real chance they could take advantage of her. What if she fell asleep on the way? She was drunk and now drugged.

"I can't" she murmured nervously looking around her realising no one was in sight. She took one step backwards from them. Salvatore immediately recognised her hesitation, "please Adriana" he begged, "why would I hurt you? If I wanted to do that I wouldn't have told you what he did, I would have just beat him, not said a word then taken you back to my place. I'm not trying to scare you please, I'm taking you home to your place. Text your friend now and let her know you had to leave. I'll take you home and make sure you're ok". Adriana felt as though it was a race against time. She felt the pressure of making a decision, she either came to terms with trusting him and allow herself to relax a little, or waste time trying to figure out another way home or call herself an ambulance and risk falling asleep on the sidewalk. "Ok" she let out shaky sigh and stumbled into the back seat of the car. Salvatore slid in next to her and took her clutch purse from around her wrist. He rummaged through finding her ID, "this your address?" He asked as she rested her head on the window taking in deep breaths of nervousness. "Yes". He showed Luca the address and told him to activate the GPS.

"I'll call you once I'm ready to leave" Salvatore told Luca once they reached the front of the apartment building. Luca raised an eyebrow but nodded. He was sure Salvatore would not cross any lines with Adriana in her current state but it also made him slightly nervous knowing his current obsession with her. Salvatore was his superior though so he accepted it and drove off for the time being.

Once inside Adriana stumbled onto the couch, she was not sure if at this point it had anything to do with the drug or just the fact that she was intoxicated. She had really pushed the limits with alcohol and energy drinks tonight. Salvatore strode into her small kitchen, opened the fridge and retrieved a bottle of water. He walked over to her on the couch and instructed her to drink as much as she could. She did so obediently. "Has this ever happened to you before?" He asked her curiously as she shook her head. "Well I'm surprised because you obviously act carelessly"

"Ok papà" she rolled her eyes infuriating him. "Yeah well your papà should have taught you better then accepting drinks like that from strangers"

"I accepted a drink from you the other night"

"Are you stupid?" He challenged not holding back, "a bar tender retrieved that for you and saw them do it. If you're going to accept drinks make sure you see the source" suddenly Adriana was laughing, she had no idea why but she was breaking out into fits of it. He shook his head and helped her up off the couch, "where is your room? You should lay down and get ready for bed. It's better if you let yourself fall asleep naturally ok?" She led him to her bedroom stumbling a little on the way. Once they entered she collapsed on the Queen size taking a big breath of air into her lungs. Salvatore slipped off her shoes and she barely even noticed until she realised she could not see him hovering around her anymore. She looked down her body and saw him on the floor placing her shoes neatly to the side. Boldly she pulled him back up by his hand and motioned for him to sit with her. Before doing so he pulled her covers back and urged her to at least sit near the pillow for when she would eventually pass out. "Salvo I'm scared" she whispered suddenly as he sat by her on the edge of the bed. The thought of something taking over her body and not knowing when she was going to pass out terrified her. He turned to face her and looked into her eyes once again, "you're ok" he encouraged her and began stroking her left cheek with his thumb. The pad of his thumb stroked back and forth, back and forth soothing her gently. "Just relax" he whispered in a soft reassuring tone. At this point their faces were only inches apart, he continued to speak to even distract himself. He wanted to kiss her but knew this definitely was not the right time. "Just go to sleep, if you go to sleep by yourself you won't even know it's happening I promise".

All Adriana was suddenly aware of was his thumb tenderly stoking her cheek over and over again. Every so often she would hear whispering words like 'relax' leaving his lips. His lips were all she could suddenly focus on. The combination of his hands and his lips were suddenly becoming unbearable to her. She could see the pool of desire growing within his eyes. Without warning she pulled him down by his suit jacket and forced his lips onto hers.

Salvatore's lips were on hers gently encouraging her further into it. It started off slow and uncertain but once he realised she was willingly opening her mouth he plunged his wanting tongue into her. It caressed hers gently at first but as their desires grew his tongue danced around her mouth in dominance. He captured her small moans with his mouth and occasionally lightly bit her plump bottom lip playfully before diving back into her with his tongue rewarded when her fingers would dig into his arms. Unable to contain himself anymore, he suddenly found himself switching from sitting on the side of the bed, to being on both his knees directly on the bed and leaning his body over hers with his hands locked behind her head holding onto it showing her he was the one in control here. It was not until she moaned his name in a breathless plea that he suddenly stopped resting his forehead against hers. 'What am I doing?' He thought to himself trying to containing his breathing. "Salvo" she called out again trying herself to maintain normal breaths. "We can't" finally he spoke needing to bring himself out of this dangerous trance. She kissed his jaw then the corner of his mouth earning a frustrated groan from him. "But I want you"

"Fũck" Salvatore mumbled, he could feel himself getting uncomfortably hard. "I want you too"

"Then kiss me" she encouraged capturing his lips once more. He let her kiss and tease him a little further until finally he snapped out of it, he knew he had to put a stop to this, she had no idea what she was doing. "Adriana not now. You don't know what you want"

"I do"

"We'll see about that when you're not drunk and drugged up ok?" He pulled away and stood up off the bed not trusting himself any longer with her. If her drink was not spiked tonight he'd have her writhing under the covers. He encouraged her to lay back onto the pillow and stroked her hair back. "Go to sleep Adriana, I'm going to wait in the living room until your friend arrives ok?" She nodded a little frustrated and a little tired, she yawned and felt her eyelids suddenly feeling heavy and mumbled something incoherent to him as he smiled and finally left the room.

Silence in New York - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now