Shigiraki x Reader

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Enjoy ☆

You never understood why the citizens feared Shigaraki so much, no, that was a lie. You knew exactly why and they had every right to, but you couldn’t help but look past all those evil layers into a side no else has ever seen.

Maybe it was the way you were being a little selfish for yourself and Shigaraki’s sake, but you didn’t really mind. No when he took you in and offered you a safe place under his care. No when he looked at you with so much care and worry present in his eyes when he turned to meet eyes with you in the mornings.

You had always learned to value the ugly sides of the problems, but why would this be any different to you now?

You still remembered the night he had found you lost in the middle of an unknown alleyway being bothered by filthy men. You couldn’t understand what they were saying but you tried desperately to brush them off.

You would have ran if you could, but it had previously rained and you’d taken the wrong footing when they first scared you as they came out of the shadows. Trying your best to walk as normal as you could to not show them that you were a bit more vulnerable now because of your bad ankle, you pushed forward.

They weren’t backing off, persistent to finish whatever they had started, and just as the two men pushed you up against the wall, you were going to scream, but they covered your mouth with their hands. Tears threatened to pour out of your eyes as you squeezed them shut, kicking and thrashing as hard as you could.

“What the hell do you filthy thugs think you’re doing?” A raspy voice broke through the air. Even so, you didn’t open your eyes.

When the men before you didn’t respond, you heard the other guy grunt, the sounds of his footsteps fast approaching. You only opened your eyes when you heard a pained shout, your (e/c) eyes meeting the blue ones in front of you that held a similar level of fear as yours did. You watched as he dropped you, falling against the wet floor with a thud as he begged the man with the dark jacket covering his face for his life, pleading as he kneeled at his feet.

The man's pleads falling upon death ears as the mysterious man raised his hand up and turned him into ashes.

It remained silent for a while, you weren’t scared of his presence, and you felt as if he half expected you to run for your life too. But you didn’t, instead swatting away the water droplets as you stood up.

“Thank you,” You voiced, a sigh of relief slipping out of your lips.

He turned slightly, letting the jacket to keep covering his hair, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m no hero or anything stupid like that.”

“Maybe so, but I’m still thankful for your help.”

After that day, Shigaraki had offered you to come over to his place when he found out you didn’t have a place to stay. You accepted, letting him lead you to his place, you didn’t complain about the smell of drinks or the smoke.

He explained how all of the rooms were occupied already, even though he wasn’t being honest. You told him it was alright, but he cut you off as he advised you to sleep in his room instead. You figured he’d sleep somewhere else, but as he opened the door, he walked in himself too, sitting over by his gaming console.

He gave you a spare blanket that was warmer than the one on his bed, and told you to rest, but you laid down as you watched the ceiling change to the lights being projected from his game screen. You almost fell asleep to the sound of him cursing and muttering when he got something wrong and the sound of him pressing the buttons of his console. But the sudden booming of the thunder outside startled you fully awake again, making you sit back up as you rubbed your hands over your face out of embarrassment.

Shigarakiy didn’t say anything as he turned to look at you from the corner of his eye from where he sat. He just watched you intently as you looked out the window at the lightning.

He wasn’t sure what he was doing, the way you seemed nervous as the thunder ranged loudly through the room. Unplugging his game and resting his controle on his desk, standing up and walking over to his bed, near to where you remained seated. He lifted his hand, careful not to touch you with his full hand before he motioned you to lie back down. You let him, watching as he carefully settled himself on the bed before pulling the covers over the both of you, creasing your hair with his fingers lightly.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “It’s alright, I’ve got you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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